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Eventi del

31 2014 09:00 - 18:00
Aula Magna Via Gobbi, 5

Diritto Internazionale

25th Anniversary Conference and Alumni Reunion - The Multifaceted Regulation of the Global Economy


Welcome Addresses: Andrea Sironi, Rector Università Bocconi; Alfonso Gambardella, Dean of Bocconi PhD School - Università Bocconi; Damiano Canale, Head of Department of Legal Studies - Università Bocconi; Gianfranco Minutolo, Head, Bocconi Alumni Relations and Director, Bocconi Alumni Association (BAA). Opening Remarks: Claudio Dordi, Director of PhD in International Law and Economics, Università Bocconi. Speakers: Gabriella Venturini Università degli Studi di Milano; Fabrizio Onida, Università Bocconi; Manlio Frigo, Università degli Studi di Milano; Carlo Garbarino, Università Bocconi; Alberto Malatesta, Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC); Giorgio Sacerdoti, Università Bocconi.

The Conference is organized by Phd School in collaboration with Angelo sraffa Department of Legal Studies and BAA - Bocconi Alumni Association.


To mark the 25th anniversary of the PhD in International Law and Economics and the retirement of Professor Giorgio Sacerdoti, faculty members and former PhD students discuss the past evolution and current challenges of the regulation of the global economy, in theoretical and operational terms and from a legal and economic perspective.


Panel sessions will be held in English and Italian.


Registration required at:


For information:
PhD School
tel. 02 5836.2482