Courses a.y. 2023/2024

I teach courses in Family Business Strategies (BSc and executive), Corporate Strategy (MSc), Entrepreneurship, innovation, and new business startup (Phd, DBA, and Summer School), and Qualitative Methods (DBA).

Biographical note

I am a professor of strategy, entrepreneurship, and family business strategy at Bocconi University, where I am a fellow of ICRIOS Research Center. I obtained a PhD in business administration and management from Bocconi University and a PhD in entrepreneurship and management from Jönköping International Business School, Sweden. My current research focus is on organizational capabilities, with an empirical focus on family firms. I authored papers in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal.


I recently published (in Italian) the first manual on management of correction institutions (Giordano, F., Salvato, C., & Sangiovanni, E., 2021, Il carcere. Assetti istituzionali e organizzativi. Milano: EGEA).

Research interests

My main research interests revolve around organizational capabilities and their evolution, organizational routines and their dynamics, with an empirical focus on family firms.