Il lavoro finale/tesi rappresenta l'ultimo passaggio della vostra esperienza nei Corsi di Laurea Triennali/Magistrali. Vi è richiesto di dimostrare la vostra maturità personale e intellettuale e la vostra abilità di applicare i concetti che avete studiato durante il vostro corso di studi in Bocconi. Il lavoro finale, e la tesi in particolare, richiedono sforzi e impegno: dovrete dedicarvi un tempo adeguato e una seria pianificazione. Ogni lavoro finale*/tesi dovrebbe iniziare con un'analisi preliminare del possibile argomento di ricerca. Questo argomento dovrebbe essere innovativo, interessante e praticabile. * La Guida alla realizzazione del lavoro finale in formato interattivo è il punto di partenza per lo studente del triennio che voglia iniziare a riflettere su come strutturare il proprio lavoro oppure che si accinga a predisporlo. Concepita come un percorso in moduli che copre le tappe fondamentali per la 'costruzione' di un lavoro finale, la Guida interattiva è disponibile in Agenda yoU@B, a partire dal secondo anno di corso, in Laurea > How-To: info utili per la laurea. Per la corretta redazione del lavoro finale, deve esservi affiancata anche la Guida per la citazione bibliografica e la stesura della bibliografia. Questa pagina è il punto di partenza nell'identificazione del topic di ricerca. Troverete una lista completa delle aree di ricerca seguite dai docenti di questo Dipartimento, che possono essere i possibili relatori/tutor da contattare per sviluppare il vostro progetto.
- Identificazione del topic di ricerca
- Scelta del docente relatore/tutor
Informazioni dettagliate sugli adempimenti amministrativi sono disponibili sulle Guide all'Università:
Per predisporre un progetto di tesi magistrale da sottoporre a un docente:
Per un ulteriore supporto, potete rivolgervi - durante gli orari di ricevimento - a:
- Tesi in Organizzazione: Prof. Paola Bielli ( - Prof. Marina Puricelli (;
- Tesi in Strategia : Prof. Irene Dagnino ( per la laurea triennale - Prof. Fabio Quarato (;
- Tesi in Innovazione e Tecnologia: Prof. Silvia Zamboni (
Potete consultare le guide realizzate dalla Biblioteca per creare la vostra strategia di ricerca e orientarvi tra gli strumenti e le risorse disponibili: Management and Technology, Bibliographic Research Skills, Writing your dissertation
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Economic Analysis for Decisions, Energy and Materials, Family Business, Manufacturing, Ownership Structure, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Strategic Finance
Aree tematiche: Careers, Collaborative working, Employee networks & social capital, Employment arrangements, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Human Resources Management
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Energy and Materials, Food and Beverage, International Business Strategy, Internet and Digital Services, Scenario Analysis, SMEs & Districts, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Internet and Digital Services, Media and Communications, Platform Ecosystems, Strategic Management of Technology, TV & Movies, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Careers, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Human Resources Management, Organizational Systems
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Internet and Digital Services, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies
Aree tematiche: Careers, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Human Resources Management, Leadership, Managerial Education and Training, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Change
Aree tematiche: Careers, Employee networks & social capital, Employment arrangements, Gender Gap in Organizations, Human Resources Management, Leadership, Negotiation, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and ICT
Aree tematiche: ICT, Media and Communications, Networks, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Telecommunications, TV & Movies
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Product Development Strategies, Technologies for Production/Logistics Processes, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, ERP & Other Application Areas, ICT, ICT and Business Processes, ICT-Based Innovation, ICT Diffusion & Implementation, ICT Financial Management, ICT for Internationalization Processes, ICT, SMEs & Business Networks, IS Outsourcing and Offshoring, Manufacturing, Project Management in IS, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Employee networks & social capital, Geography of production and labor, Human Capital, Intellectual capital, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Networks, Social Network Analysis, Territorial Development Management (SMEs, Clusters, Networks, etc)
Aree tematiche: Careers, Collaborative working, Cultural and Institutional Analysis of Organizations, Employee networks & social capital, Entrepreneurial Organization, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Leadership, Managerial Education and Training, Networks, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Change, SMEs Organization, Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Social Network Analysis
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Organizational Systems, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Product Development Strategies, SMEs & Districts, System Dynamics, Union Relations and Work Organization
Aree tematiche: Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Managerial Education and Training
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Automotive Services, Cultural and Institutional Analysis of Organizations, Food and Beverage, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Leadership, Networks, Organizational Change, Sports, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Design, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Product Development Strategies
Aree tematiche: Entrepreneurial Organization, Entrepreneurship, Fashion and Luxury, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Aree tematiche: eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics and Management of Innovation, Fashion and Luxury, Internet and Digital Services, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies
Aree tematiche: Business Plan, Corporate Governance, Family Business, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Strategic Finance
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, eBusiness and eCommerce, Fashion and Luxury
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Design, Entrepreneurship, Family Business, Fashion and Luxury, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Ownership Structure, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Strategic Alliances, Tourism
Aree tematiche: CSR & Sustainability, Economics and Management of Innovation, Energy and Materials, Energy Management and Policies, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Management & Climate Change, ICT, ICT-Based Innovation, ICT Diffusion & Implementation, Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, Internet and Digital Services, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Technology Management, Telecommunications, Territorial Development Management (SMEs, Clusters, Networks, etc)
Aree tematiche: Business Plan, Business Strategy, Consumer Goods, Fashion and Luxury
Aree tematiche: Design, eBusiness and eCommerce, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Technological Forecasting and Policies, Technologies for Production/Logistics Processes, Telecommunications, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: Corporate turnaround, Credit risk management, Early warning procedures, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, Insolvency management and prediction, Workouts
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Entrepreneurship, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Ownership Structure, Private Equity and Venture Capital, SMEs & Districts, Strategic Finance
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation strategy, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, SMEs & Districts, Technological change, Technology Management, Territorial Development Management (SMEs, Clusters, Networks, etc)
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Business Plan, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, CSR & Sustainability, Design, eBusiness and eCommerce, Entrepreneurship, Internet and Digital Services, Media and Communications, Non-profit, Sharing Economy, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management, Strategic Management of Technology, Telecommunications, Tourism, TV & Movies, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Food and Beverage, ICT, ICT-Based Innovation, Intellectual capital, Internet and Digital Services, Media and Communications, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management, Telecommunications, TV & Movies, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Energy and Materials, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, ICT, Manufacturing, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Intellectual capital, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Geography of production and labor, Innovation strategy, Multinational Enterprises: Location choices and Innovation strategies, Technological change
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, Energy and Materials, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, Strategic Finance
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Intellectual capital, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Strategic Management of Technology, Telecommunications, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Food and Beverage, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, SMEs & Districts
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Automotive Services, Family Business, Manufacturing, Technologies for Production/Logistics Processes, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: CSR & Sustainability, Industry 4.0, Lean management, Manufacturing, Manufacturing Offshoring/reshoring, Operations management, Performance measurement and benchmarking of the Production/Logistics Systems, Production and inventory planning and control, SMEs & Districts, Supply Chain management, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Decision Making Processes, Design, Economics of Organization, Entrepreneurial Organization, Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Negotiation, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Decision Making, Organizational Design, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Careers, Decision Making Processes, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Decision Making
Aree tematiche: Business Plan, Business Strategy, Consulting Industries, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Energy and Materials, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, Intellectual capital, International Business Strategy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Strategic Finance, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management
Aree tematiche: Decision Making Processes, Economic Analysis for Decisions, Economics of Organization, Entrepreneurial Organization, Entrepreneurship, Internet and Digital Services, Organizational Decision Making, Telecommunications, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Food and Beverage
Aree tematiche: Employee networks & social capital, Human Resources Management, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Networks, Organizational Behavior, Social Network Analysis
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Economics and Management of Innovation, Energy and Materials, Information Technology Applications, Intellectual capital, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Resources and Capabilities, Technological change, Technology Management, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Collaborative working, Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurial Organization, Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, Innovation strategy, Organizational Design, Technology Management, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Cooperative Economy, CSR & Sustainability, eBusiness and eCommerce, Internet and Digital Services, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Platform Ecosystems, Prosocial Behavior, Sharing Economy, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management, Strategic Alliances
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Design, Fashion and Luxury, International Business Strategy
Aree tematiche: ICT, Leadership, Manufacturing, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and ICT, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, ICT, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Business Ethics, Business Strategy, Consumer Goods, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, CSR & Sustainability, Decision Making Processes, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics and Management of Innovation, Energy and Materials, Entrepreneurship, Family Business, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, International Business Strategy, Internet and Digital Services, Leadership, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Negotiation, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Ownership Structure, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, SMEs Organization, Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management, Sports, Strategic Alliances, Strategic Finance, Tourism
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Creative Industries, Creativity, Idea Management, Networks, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, TV & Movies
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Design, Fashion and Luxury, Managerial Education and Training, Organizational Systems
Aree tematiche: CSR & Sustainability, Fashion and Luxury, International Business Strategy, Tourism
Aree tematiche: Competitiveness of countries, Organizational innovation, Research and innovation policy
Aree tematiche: Corporate Governance, Family Business, Manufacturing, Ownership Structure, Telecommunications, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Business Ethics, Consumer Durables, CSR & Sustainability, Manufacturing
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Automotive Services, Business Ethics, Decision Making Processes, Design, Entrepreneurship, Food and Beverage, Leadership, Manufacturing, Negotiation, Networks, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Decision Making, Social Network Analysis, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, IS Governance, Manufacturing, Organizational Design and ICT, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Consumer Goods, Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy, Family Business, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances
Aree tematiche: Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Networks, SMEs & Districts
Aree tematiche: Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Cultural and Institutional Analysis of Organizations, Employee networks & social capital, Entrepreneurship, International Business Strategy, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Multinational Enterprises: Location choices and Innovation strategies, Organizational Change, Ownership Structure, Social Network Analysis, Strategic Alliances
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Sports, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: Consumer Goods, Economics and Management of Innovation, Economics of Organization, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Theory of the Firm, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Business Plan, Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, eBusiness and eCommerce, Entrepreneurship, International Business Strategy, Product Development Strategies
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Business Ethics, Consulting Industries, Consumer Durables, CRM and Data Analytics, CSR & Sustainability, Decision Making Processes, eBusiness and eCommerce, Energy and Materials, Executive and Organizational Consulting, Food and Beverage, ICT, ICT-Based Innovation, ICT Diffusion & Implementation, ICT for Collaboration and Learning, Information Security, Information Technology Applications, Internet and Digital Services, IS Governance, Leadership, Media and Communications, Organizational Behavior and ICT, Organizational Change, Organizational Design, Organizational Design and ICT, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Planning and Implementing IT Systems, Telecommunications, Transportation & Logistics, TV & Movies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, International Business Strategy, Media and Communications, TV & Movies
Aree tematiche: Business Ethics, Business Plan, Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Corporate Strategy, CSR & Sustainability, Energy and Materials, Energy Management and Policies, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Management & Climate Change, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity and Venture Capital, SMEs & Districts, SMEs Organization, Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management, Strategic Finance, Theory of the Firm, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, Decision Making Processes, Economics of Organization, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, ICT, Internet and Digital Services, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Negotiation, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Change, Strategic Alliances, Strategic Finance, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Economics and Management of Innovation, Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, Information Technology, Intellectual capital, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Strategic Management of Technology, Technological change, Videogames
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Automotive Services, Business Ethics, Business Strategy, Consumer Goods, Corporate Strategy, CSR & Sustainability, Energy and Materials, Energy Management and Policies, Food and Beverage, Organizational Change, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: eBusiness and eCommerce, Fashion and Luxury, Internet and Digital Services, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Product Development Strategies
Aree tematiche: Careers, Consumer Goods, Evaluation, Development and Mobility of Human Capital, Food and Beverage, Gender Gap in Organizations, Human Resources Management, Managerial Education and Training, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Systems
Aree tematiche: ICT for Collaboration and Learning, Internet and Digital Services, Organizational Behavior and ICT, Telecommunications
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Entrepreneurial Organization, Family Business, Manufacturing
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Corporate Governance, Family Business, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, International Business Strategy, Ownership Structure, SMEs & Districts
Aree tematiche: CSR & Sustainability, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics and Management of Innovation, Family Business, Fashion and Luxury, Internet and Digital Services
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Business Ethics, CSR & Sustainability, Energy and Materials, Environmental Management & Climate Change, Food and Beverage, Mergers & Acquisitions, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Strategic Alliances
Aree tematiche: eBusiness and eCommerce, Entrepreneurship, ICT-Based Innovation, ICT Diffusion & Implementation, Information Technology, Information Technology Applications, Innovation strategy, Internet and Digital Services, Media and Communications, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Technological change
Aree tematiche: Family Business, SMEs Organization, Entrepreneurship and Family Business
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Managerial Education and Training, Organizational Behavior and ICT, Organizational Design, Organizational Design and ICT, Planning and Implementing IT Systems, Project Management in IS, Technical Project Management
Aree tematiche: Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Transportation & Logistics
Aree tematiche: Business Ethics, CSR & Sustainability, Cultural and Institutional Analysis of Organizations, Energy and Materials, Environmental Management & Climate Change, International Business Strategy, Non-profit, Social Entrepreneurship & Philantropy Management, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Food and Beverage, Internet and Digital Services, Inter-Organizatonal Relations, Alliances and Firm Networks Organization, Manufacturing, Networks, Organizational Design, Organizational Restructuring & Downsizing, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Social Network Analysis, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, Design, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Sports
Aree tematiche: Corporate social responsibility, Online activism, Social movements
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Business Ethics, Consumer Goods, Corporate Strategy, CSR & Sustainability, Energy and Materials, Environmental Management & Climate Change, Food and Beverage, ICT, Intellectual capital, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, SMEs & Districts, Theory of the Firm, TV & Movies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Networks, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, TV & Movies
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Food and Beverage, SMEs & Districts, Territorial Development Management (SMEs, Clusters, Networks, etc), Tourism
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Design, Fashion and Luxury
Aree tematiche: Corporate Strategy, Energy and Materials, Firm Crisis and Restructuring, International Business Strategy, Internet and Digital Services, Leadership, Manufacturing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Telecommunications, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Consumer Goods, Internet and Digital Services, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Product Development Strategies, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management
Aree tematiche: Agriculture, Consumer Goods, Design, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, Manufacturing
Aree tematiche: Art and Culture, Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, Design, eBusiness and eCommerce, Economics and Management of Innovation, Fashion and Luxury, Food and Beverage, ICT, Internet and Digital Services, Manufacturing, Media and Communications, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Sports, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management, Theory of the Firm, Tourism, TV & Movies
Aree tematiche: Business Strategy, Corporate Governance and Organizational Structure, CSR & Sustainability, Economics and Management of Innovation, Economics of Organization, Entrepreneurial Organization, Entrepreneurship, ICT, Media and Communications, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Telecommunications, Theory of the Firm
Aree tematiche: Automotive Services, Consumer Durables, Consumer Goods, Design, Food and Beverage, Impacts of New Technologies on Organizational Forms, Internet and Digital Services, Manufacturing, Media and Communications, Networks, Organization and Management of New Product and Service Development, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Product Development Strategies, Research, Development and Innovation Strategies, Scenario Analysis, SMEs & Districts, Strategic Alliances, Strategic Management of Technology, Technology Management, Tourism, Transportation & Logistics