Lunedí 2 dicembre |
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5-E4-SR04 - Floor 5 - via Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Economia Applied Microeconomics Cristina Gualdani - On the Identification of Models of Uncertainty, Learning, and Human Capital Acquisition with Sorting Cristina Gualdani - Queen Mary University of London |
Roentgen Building, Room 3-B3-SR01 DONDENA DAISI Seminar Series Fall 2024 Policlim: A Dataset of Climate Change Discourse in EU Political Manifestos from 1990-2022 Mary Sanford - RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) |
Martedí 3 dicembre |
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5.e4.sr04 - floor 5 - via Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Economia Akhil Vohra - Matching with Costly Interviews Akhil Vohra - University of Georgia UGA |
Roentgen Building, Room 3-B3-SR01 DONDENA Politics & Institutions Clinic Seminar Series The 2023 Earthquake and Electoral Accountability in Turkey Konstantin Bogatyrev - Bocconi University |
Seminar Room 4-E4-SR03, fourth floor, Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Marketing Department Seminar Series Explaining the Paradox of Skill: Why More Skill implies More Luck David Tannenbaum - The University of Utah |
Room 2-E4-SR03, 2nd floor via Röntgen 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Computazione Neuroscience and Machine Learning Seminars Dynamics and computation in structured neural networks - Gabriel Benigno Gabriel Benigno - New York University (NYU) |
Mercoledí 4 dicembre |
Room 1.C3.01, Via Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici Sabbatical Seminar The Principle of Mutual Trust and Fundamental Rights in the EU Legal Order Eleanor Spaventa - Bocconi University |
Seminar Room 2-e4-sr03 - Via Roentgen, 1 Dipartimento di Finanza Department Seminar Series Christopher Palmer, MIT: How Do Consumers Finance Increased Retirement Savings? - Joint BAFFI Christopher Palmer - MIT |
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5.e4.sr04 - floor 5 - via Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Economia Development Labor Political Economy - DLPE Elias Papaioannou: Uprooted in the Mediterranean Elias Papaioannou - London Business School |
Room N37, Velodromo Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche Challenging Legal Boundaries: Picasso Beyond the Law
Alex Turrini - Università Bocconi |
Room N38, Velodromo Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche Leah Boustan (Princeton University) Leah Boustan - Princeton University |
Giovedí 5 dicembre |
Room 2-E4-SR03, 2nd floor via Röntgen 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Computazione Occasional seminars CS Department Seminar (occasional seminar) - Simone G. Riva Simone G. Riva - University of Oxford |
Room 2-E4-SR03, 2nd floor via Röntgen 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Computazione CS seminar series Can Computational Biology and Deep Learning help to decode gene regulation? - Simone Giovanni Riva Simone Giovanni Riva - Università Bocconi |
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5.e4.sr04 - floor 5 - via Roentgen 1 Dipartimento di Economia Macroeconomics - Joint BAFFI Thomas Drechsel on "Estimating the Effects of Political Pressure on the Fed: A Narrative Approach with New Data" Thomas Drechsel - University of Maryland |
Seminar Room 5-b3-sr-01 Dipartimento di Accounting Anna Gold (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) - "An Unintended Consequence of Full Population Testing on Auditorsâ Professional Skepticism" Anna Gold |
EGEA Bookshop Reading room, Viale Bligny 22 Milano IEP@BU Dibattiti di geopolitica - Geopolitics of Climate
Serena Fatica - European Commission's Joint Research Centre |