

I am Full Professor at the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University. I got a PhD from Copenhagen Business School and a Master of Science in Economics from Bocconi University. I serve as Associate Editor of Management Science and Journal of Corporate Finance. Here you can find my full CV and my list of publications.

My research is in the fields of corporate governance and family firms. Furthermore, I am interested in the interactions between finance, strategy and innovation, and in the behavioral aspects of corporate decision-making. Click here to visit my personal website and my Google Scholar page.


Recent articles

Hiring lucky CEOs (with Sebastian Schwenen). Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

Corporate Ownership and Antitrust Violations (with Riccardo Marzano). Journal of Law & Economics

Family Ownership during the Covid-19 Pandemic (with Fabio Quarato, Valerio Pelucco). Journal of Banking & Finance

Political elections and corporate investment: International evidence  (with Margherita Corina). Journal of International Business Studies

Back to the future: The effect of professional-to-family transitions on firm performance  (with Morten Bennedsen, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Danny Miller). Strategic Management Journal

Failing to learn from failure: How optimism impedes entrepreneurial innovation  (with Orsola GarofaloVictor Martin-Sanchez). Organization Science


Modificato il 14/09/2022