This is a brief summary of my academic track record. You can download my full academic CV here.


2011    D.Phil. (Ph.D.) in Economic and Social History, University of Oxford

2007    M.Phil. in Economic and Social History (Distinction), University of Oxford 

2005    B.Sc. in Economic Diplomacy and International Management (Distinction)
             Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences  

1999    International Baccalaureate Diploma
             Lester B Pearson United World College of the Pacific, Victoria BC, Canada


Academic positions

Since 2019        Associate Professor, Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Sciences

2014 - 2019       Assistant Professor, Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Sciences

2013 – 2014      Assistant Professor, LSE, Economic History Department

2012 – 2013      Lecturer, LSE, Economic History Department

2010 – 2012      Post-doctoral research fellow, University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business,
                             Groningen Growth and Development Centre

2010                    Junior fellow, Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study


Grants and awards

ERC Starting Grant (1.49 million EUR), starting in 2019

Bocconi ERC Pilot Studies Grant (6,000 EUR), from Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo, 2017

Bocconi Young Researchers Grant (9,000 EUR), from Fondazione Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi, 2016

Dissertation Prize of the International Economic History Association, 16th World Economic History Congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 2012

Feinstein Prize for the best graduate dissertation in economic and social history (masters) at the University of Oxford in 2007, May 2008

Scatcherd European Trust Scholarship (4,625 GBP) for research in Berlin, February to July 2008

Dulverton Trust Scholarship to undertake graduate study at the University of Oxford, 2005-2007

Economic and Social Research Council ‘Fees Only’ 2+2 Years Quota Award, 2005-2009

DAAD Summer University Studentship, Heidelberg, August 2004

Research Studentship of the Institute for Danube-Suabian History and Culture, Tübingen, 2004

Scholarship of the Republic (highest merit for university students in Hungary), awarded twice


Current Projects

Spoils of War: the Economic Consequences of the Great War in Central Europe (ERC Starting Grant)

The legacy of war and mass migration: housing in postwar Germany (Bocconi Young Researcher Grant)

Growth under Socialism: economies of scale and returns to investment (started with an Affiliated Fellowship at Central European University, Sept-Dec 2016)


Professional affiliations

Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public PolicyMember of: Economic History Association (US), Economic History Society (UK), European Historical Economics Society, Hungarian Historical Society

Principal organiser: Weast, The Eastern European Economic History Initiative

Network chair for Economic History: European Social Science History Conference

Associated member: Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Groningen University





Modificato il 18/11/2019