

“Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Deaths' Events” 
with Fabiano Schivardi

Forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies

“Import Competition and Household Leverage” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot, Erik Loualiche and Matthew Plosser

Forthcoming, Journal of Finance
(SFS Cavalcade Award 2017 - Best Paper in Corporate Finance)
[PDF]   [Vox Summary

“Electoral Competition, Voter Bias and Women in Politics” 
with Thomas Le Barbanchon

Forthcoming, Journal of the European Economic Association 
[PDF]   [Vox Summary

“Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot and Basile Grassi

Forthcoming, American Economic Association P&P [PDF] [Data]

“Production Networks and Economic Policy” 
with Basile Grassi

Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 35(4), 638-677, 2019 [PDF

“The Globalization Risk Premium” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot and Erik Loualiche

Journal of Finance, 74(5), 2391-2439, 2019 [PDF[OnlineAppendix[Data]

“A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Change: Confirmatory Bias in Financial Markets” 
with Sébastien Pouget and Stéphane Villeneuve 
Review of Financial Studies, 30(6), 2066-2109, 2017
[PDF]   [OnlineAppendix

“Input Specificity and the Propagation of Idiosyncratic Shocks in Production Networks” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot 
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(3), 1541-1592, 2016
[PDF]   [OnlineAppendix]   [Data]   [Vox Summary]

“Prosecution and Leniency Programs: The Role of Bluffing in Opening Investigations” 
Journal of Industrial Economics 63(2), 313-338, 2015

“Are Leniency Programs too Generous?”
Economics Letters 123(3), 323-326, 2014

“CEO Pay and Firm Size: an Update after the Crisis” 
with Xavier Gabaix and Augustin Landier 
Economic Journal 124, F40-F59, 2014
[PDF]   [OnlineAppendix]   [Data]

Bottom-up Corporate Governance” 
with Augustin Landier, David Sraer and David Thesmar 
Review of Finance 17(1), 161-201, 2013 
(Spängler IQAM Prize for Best Paper in the Review of Finance)

Working Papers

“The Labor Market Effects of Loan Guarantee Programs” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot, Thorsten Martin and Boris Vallée


“Causal Effects of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot, Maxime Bonelli and 
Basile Grassi

“Corporate Overconfidence and Bank Lending” 
with Filippo De Marco and Enrico Sette


“The Effects of Local Government Financial Distress: Evidence from Toxic Loans” 
with Boris Vallée


Other Writings (French)

“L'Effet sur l'Emploi du Non-Respect de la LME” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot 


“Financement des Entreprises et Trajectoire des Salariés. L'Impact de la garantie d'Oséo Pendant la Crise de 2008” 
with Jean-Noël Barrot, Thorsten Martin and Boris Vallée



Modificato il 29/11/2022