Articles Published

Culture: Persistence and Evolution (in corso di pubblicazione)

Francesco Giavazzi with Ivan Petkov and Fabio Schiantarelli
Journal of Economic Growth

Modificato il 11/01/2019

What do we know about the effects of austerity? (05/2018)

Francesco Giavazzi with Alberto Alesina and Carlo A. Favero
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings

Vol. 108, pp. 524-530

Modificato il 11/01/2019

Is it the How or the When that Matters in Fiscal Adjustments? (2018)

Francesco Giavazzi with Alberto Alesina, Gualtiero Azzalini, Carlo Favero, Armando Miano
IMF Economic Review

Vol. 66, pp. 144-188

Modificato il 11/01/2019

A new study offers more evidence that cutting spending is less harmful to growth than raising taxes (03/2018)

Francesco Giavazzi with Alberto Alesina and Carlo A. Favero
Intermational Monetary Fund

Finance & Development

Modificato il 02/03/2018

EMU: Old Flaws Revisited (2015)

Francesco Giavazzi and Charles Wyplosz
Journal of European Integration

Vol. 37 (7), pp 723-738

Modificato il 11/01/2019

Austerity in 2009-2013 (07/2015)

Francesco Giavazzi with Alberto Alesina, Omar Barbiero, Carlo A. Favero and Matteo Paradisi
Economic Policy

Vol. 30, Issue 83: pp. 383-437

Modificato il 31/08/2015

The Output Effect of Fiscal Consolidation Plans (07/2015)

Francesco Giavazzi, Alberto Alesina, Carlo A. Favero
Journal of International Economics

Vol 96, (1), S19-S42

Awarded the 2015 Addington Prize in Measurement (Fraser Institute, Canada)

Modificato il 10/04/2018

Attitude, Policies and Work (12/2013)

Francesco Giavazzi, Fabio Schiantarelli and Michel Serafinelli
Journal of the European Economic Association

vol. 11 (6), pp. 1256-1289

Modificato il 22/11/2013

College Cost and Time to Complete a Degree: Evidence from Tuition Discontinuities (08/2012)

Francesco Giavazzi, P. Garibaldi, A. Ichino and E. Rettore
The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 94, No. 3: 699-711

Modificato il 10/01/2013

Measuring Tax Multipliers: the Narrative Method in Fiscal VARs (05/2012)

Giavazzi Francesco with Carlo A. Favero
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy: Vol 4, Issue 2

Modificato il 14/09/2012

Policy Uncertainty and Household Savings (05/2012)

Giavazzi Francesco with Michael McMahon
The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol 94, No. 2: 517-531

Modificato il 14/09/2012

Central Banks and the Financial System (2012)

Giavazzi Francesco with Alberto Giovannini
Edward Elgar

in S. Eijffinger and D. Masciandaro (eds), Central Banking, Financial Regulation and Supervision After the Financial Crisis, Edward Elgar 2012 

Modificato il 30/05/2014

Comments on: Monetary Science, Fiscal Alchemy - by Eric M. Leeper (2010)

Giavazzi Francesco
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

in "Macroeconomic Challenges: The Decade Ahead", Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2010

Modificato il 30/05/2014

Why the current account may matter in a monetary union: Lessons from the financial crisis in the Euro area (2011)

Giavazzi Francesco with Luigi Spaventa
Cambridge University Press

in D. Cobham (ed.), The Euro Area and the Financial Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 2011

Modificato il 30/05/2014

Country Heterogeneity and the International Evidence on the Effects of Fiscal Policy (2011)

Giavazzi Francesco with Carlo A. Favero and Jacopo Perego
IMF Economic Review
Vol. 59: 652-682 (2011)

Modificato il 01/02/2012

The ECB and the bond market (2010)

Giavazzi Francesco with Carlo A. Favero
Cambridge University Press

in M. Buti, S. Deroose, V. Caspar and J. Nogueira Martins (eds.), (2010), The Euro The First Decade

Modificato il 10/11/2010

Review of Institutions and Economic Performance by E. Helpman (03/2010)

Giavazzi Francesco
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 48, No. 1

Modificato il 24/05/2010

Should the Euro Area be Run as a Closed Economy? (01/2008)

Giavazzi Francesco with C.A. Favero
American Economic Review 98(2): 138-45.

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Rebalancing Growth in China: a Three-Handed Approach (2006)

Francesco Giavazzi with Olivier Blanchard
China & World Economy
Vol. 14 (4), pages 1-20

Modificato il 08/11/2010

Searching for Non-Monotonic Effects of Fiscal Policy: New Evidence (10/2005)

Giavazzi Francesco with T. Jappelli, M. Pagano and M. Benedetti
Monetary and Economic Studies, vol. 23, n. S1

Modificato il 08/03/2010

Economic and Political Liberalizations (10/2005)

Giavazzi Francesco with G. Tabellini
Journal of Monetary Economics 52, 7, October 2005

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Inflation Targeting and Debt: Lessons from Brazil (2005)

Giavazzi Francesco with C. Favero
MIT Press

in Giavazzi, F., I. Goldfajn and S. Herrera, Inflation Targeting, Debt and the Brazilian experience 1999 to 2003. NBER Working Paper No. 10390 (Excel file with the data used in the paper above)

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Improving the SGP through a proper accounting of public investment (2004)

Giavazzi Francesco with O. Blanchard
Conseil d'Analyse Economique, Paris

in Conseil d'Analyse Economique, Reformer le Pact de Stabilité et de Croissance, Paris. (see attached file)

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Public Debt Management in Brazil (03/2004)

Giavazzi Francesco with A. Missale
MIT Press
in Giavazzi, F., I. Goldfajn and S. Herrera, Inflation Targeting, Debt and the Brazilian experience 1999 to 2003.

Modificato il 29/01/2009

The U.S. Current Account and the Dollar (05/2005)

Giavazzi Francesco with O. Blanchard and F. Sa
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
2005:2. NBER Working Paper No. 11137

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labor markets (08/2003)

Giavazzi Francesco with O. Blanchard
Quarterly Journal of Economics

Modificato il 29/01/2009

How is the Debt Managed? Learning from Fiscal Stabilizations (2002)

Giavazzi Francesco with A. Missale and P.P. Benigno
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104 (3)

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Current Account Deficits in the Euro Area. The End of the Feldstein Horioka Puzzle? (2002)

Giavazzi Francesco with O. Blanchard
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity

Modificato il 29/01/2009

Why are Brazils Interest Rates so High? (2005)

Giavazzi Francesco with Carlo A. Favero
MIT Press

in Giavazzi, F., I. Goldfajn and S. Herrera, Inflation targeting, Debt and the Brazilian experience 1999 to 2003.

Modificato il 14/07/2015

Immediate Challenges for the European Central Bank (01/04/1998)

Francesco Giavazzi, Carlo A. Favero, RĂ¼diger Dornbusch
Economic Policy

Vol. 13, Issue 26, pp. 16-64

Modificato il 20/10/2015

Tassi di interesse reali e debito pubblico negli anni ottanta: interpretazioni, prospettive, implicazioni per la politica di bilancio (1992)

Francesco Giavazzi and Giampaolo Galli
Il Mulino

in Il disavanzo pubblico in Italia : natura strutturale e politiche di rientro, a cura dell'Ente per gli studi monetari, bancari e finanziari "Luigi Einaudi"

Modificato il 14/07/2015

Confidence Crisis and Public Debt Management (1990)

Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano
Cambridge University Press

In Public Debt Management: Theory and History, edited by R. Dornbusch and M. Draghi

Modificato il 13/07/2015

Can severe fiscal contractions be expansionary? Tales of two small European countries (1990)

Giavazzi Francesco and Marco Pagano
NBER - Working Papers

Working Paper no. 3372, May 1990

(an old paper hard to find)

Modificato il 18/09/2013

Italy: the real effects of inflation and disinflation (1989)

Francesco Giavazzi and Luigi Spaventa
Economic Policy

(an old paper hard to find)

Modificato il 23/05/2012

Modificato il 10/10/2011