
  • Monetary Policy Strategies – Experiences During the Crisis and Lessons Learnt – A Comment, in: Approaches to monetary policy revisited – lessons from the crisis. Sixth ECB Central Banking Conference (ed. M. Jarocinski, F. Smets, C. Thimann), 2011

  • Reply to Blankart and Koester’s political economics vs public choice - Two views of political economy in competition, Kyklos, 2006 (with A. Alesina and T. Persson)

  • Was it worth it? - Chapter in P.B Sorensen (ed), Monetary Union in Europe - Essays in honour of N. Thygesen, DJOF Publishing, Copenhagen, 2004

  • The case for price stability - A comment, in Why price stability? , ed. by A. Herrero, V. Gaspar, L. Hoogduin, J. Morgan, B. Winkler, European Central Bank, 2000

  • Towards effective monetary policy – Conference summary, in: Towards effective monetary policy, conference proceedings, Bank of Japan, Tokyo, 1996

  • Inflation in a fixed exchange rate regime - A comment, in: The transition to economic and monetary union in Europe, ed. by F. Torres and F. Giavazzi, Cambridge University Press, 1993

  • Economic aspects of decentralized government: structure, functions and finance - A comment, Economic Policy 13, Fall 1991

  • Management of a common currency - A comment, in: A European Central Bank? (edited by F. De Cecco and A. Giovannini), Cambridge University Press, 1989

  • Reputational constraints on monetary policy - A comment, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Spring 1987
Modificato il 22/04/2014