The archive contains a set of ancillary functions.
The archive contains the scripts that solve the standard deterministic Ramsey-Kass-Koopmans model using collocation and Galerkin. The script coef.m solves the model and saves the coefficients of the polynomial approximation. Then, simulate.m simulates a convergence path to the steady state, exper.m simulates the effects of a positive and permanent productivity shock, and KingRebelo.m reproduces the results discussed in the well-known King and Rebelo (1993, AER) paper. Finally, iter.m solves the model using time iteration on the Euler equation and plain cubic interpolation, for comparison purposes.
The archive contains the scripts that solve the stochastic model of Brock and Mirman (1972) - i.e. Ramsey + stochastic productivity. Again, coef.m solves the model and saves the coefficients. Simulate1.m computes a transition to the unconditional mean, while simulate2.m computes some business-cycle properties of the model.