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Pubblicazioni (selezionate) (01/04/2020)


1.       Il Consiglio di Sicurezza e gli individui, (The UN Security Council and Individuals) Giuffrè: Milan, 2018, 510 pp. (Positively reviewed by Prof. Robert Kolb in a review essay published in 60 German Yearbook of International Law 2018, 585-591)

2.       Corruption – Economic Analysis and International Law, (with M. Arnone), Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK/Northampton, MA US, 2014, 630 pp.

(     website=uk_warehouse. Positively reviewed, among others, in review essays by Prof. Gabriella Venturini, in 1 Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2015, 330-5; Prof. Gerry Ferguson, in 28 European Journal of International Law, 2017, 343-348)


Articles in Referred Legal Journals (in English)

1.       When the Leviathan Goes to the Market: A Critical Evaluation of the Rules Governing State-Owned Enterprises in Trade Agreements, in 33(2) Leiden Journal of International Law, (2020).

2.       On Financial Nationalism and International Law, in 30 European Journal of International Law, (review essay), 2020, forthcoming

3.        The Legal Status of Decisions by Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Authoritative Interpretations or mission éducatrice? (with Luigi Crema), in 18(1) Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2019, (Oxford University Press: 2020, forthcoming).

4.       International Contestability of Markets and the Visible Hand. Trade Regulation of State-owned Enterprises between Multilateral Impasse and New Free Trade Agreements, (with P. Clarke), in 26(3)Columbia Journal of European Law, 2019/20, forthcoming.

5.       A Crisis Looming in the Dark: Some Remarks on the Reform Proposals on Notifications and Transparency, in Questions of International Law - ZOOM OUT 69(3)- “In Clinical Isolation”. Is There a Meaningful Place for the World Trade Organization in the Future of International Economic Law?, 2019, available at:

6.       Regulating Criminal Finance in the EU in the Light of the International Instruments, in 36 (1) Yearbook of European Law 2017, (Oxford University Press: 2018), pp. 553–598, also available at:

7.       Defining Elements and Emerging Legal Issues of ‘EU Sanctions’, (with S. Silingardi), in XXVII, Italian Yearbook of International Law 2017, (Brill: 2018), pp. 33-52.

8.       Deepening International Systems of Subsidy Control in EU PTAs: A Comparative Analysis. Normative Rationales and Legal Implications, (with C. Dordi), in 23(3) Columbia Journal of European Law, 2016/17, 551-606.


*University Bocconi Legal Studies Award 2018;

** “Leonardo Da Vinci” Medal 2019.

9.       The North Korean Gauntlet, International Law and the New Sanctions Imposed by the Security Council, in XXVI Italian Yearbook of International Law 2016, (Brill: 2017), 319-345.

10.   State Aid Control and Subsidies Regulation in EU Agreements: Substance, Procedure and Policy Space in the ‘New Generation’ EU FTAs, in The Global Community: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2016, (Oxford University Press: 2017), 145-174.

11.   The Evolution of the EU Law Against Criminal Finance: The ‘Hardening’ of FATF Standards within the EU, (with F. Montanaro) in 48(4) Georgetown Journal of International Law, 2017, 1009-1062, also available at:

12.   Climate Change and Trade: Challenges and Lingering Questions on the Relationship between Renewable Energy Subsidies and WTO Disciplines, (with F. Montanaro), in China EU-Journal, 2017, 1-21.

13.   The Achievements and Limits of Italian Anti-Corruption Legislation in Light of the International Legal Framework in XXV Italian Yearbook of International Law 2015, (Brill: 2016), 275-298.

14.   The Reform of the Fight against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: from the 2012 FATF Recommendations to the New EU Legislation in 3(2015) Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 737-78.

15.   Are Traditional Mechanisms of International Cooperation Effective in Combating Corruption? Three Case Examples, in 4 (2014), Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 947-969.

16.   International Asset Recovery: Origins, Evolution and Current Challenges, (with G. Nessi), in 2 (2014), Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 377-415.

17.   International Anti-Money Laundering Programs: Empirical Assessment and Issues of Criminal Regulation, (with M. Arnone) in 13 (2), Journal of Money Laundering Control, 2010, 226-271.

Award: Highly Commended Award Winner by Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011.

18.   Methodological Issues of the “More Economic Approach” to Unilateral Exclusionary Conduct. Proposal of Analysis Starting from the Treatment of Retroactive Rebates, in 5(2) European Competition Journal, 2009, 409-449.

19.   Legal and Economic Appraisal of the “More Economic Approach” to Unilateral Exclusionary Conduct: Regulation of Loyalty-Inducing Rebates (Case C-95/04P), in 14 Yearbook of European Law 2008, (Oxford University Press, 2009), 446-518.

20.   The British Airway Case: An Example of Systemic and Teleological Interpretation of Art. 82 ECT at the Dawn of a Crucial Moment for Competition Policy. (Case C-95/04P) in 22(4) Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2008, 551-586.

21.   Money Laundering Conduct in the Context of Economic Globalisation: Economic Effects and Issues of International Criminal Regulation, in 22(1) Diritto del commercio internazionale, 37-110, also available in the “Paolo Baffi” Centre Working Paper Series, online at:


Articles in Referred Legal Journals (in Italian)

22.   Not Such a Retrospective’: Riflessioni sull’origine, sviluppo e conseguimenti della cooperazione internazionale anti-corruzione, in 38(1) DPCE Online, 2019, 180-215, available at:

23.   Il valore delle pronunce del Comitato europeo dei diritti sociali ai fini dell’interpretazione della Carta sociale europea nel diritto internazionale (with L. Crema) in Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali. La normativa italiana sui licenziamenti: quale compatibilità con la Costituzione e la Carta sociale europea? Atti del seminario in previsione dell’udienza pubblica della Corte Costituzionale del 25 settembre 2018 sulla questione di costituzionalità sul d. lgs n. 23/2015, 86-106. available at:

24.   Soft law, soft organizations e regolamentazione ‘tecnica’ di problemi di sicurezza pubblica e integrità finanziaria, in 2 Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2017, 356-406.

25.   Tutela della privacy e protezione dei dati personali a fronte della sicurezza pubblica e dell’integrità del sistema finanziario europeo, in 11(1) Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2017, 23-49.

26.   Le disciplina delle State-owned enterprises nel diritto del commercio internazionale tra stallo degli accordi commerciali multilaterali e accordi preferenziali di nuova generazione, in 31(4) Diritto del commercio internazionale, 2017, 967-1004.

27.   L’Unione Europea: attore ‘globale’ nella protezione e promozione dei diritti umani? Limiti e prospettive, in 28(4) DPCE online, 2016, 91-132, available at:

28.   Linee evolutive della normativa internazionale in materia di Asset Recovery, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, IV, 2012, 585-611.

29.   Considerazioni sull’approccio evolutivo nell’attività interpretativa della Corte Internazionale di Giustizia nel Caso Costa Rica c Nicaragua, in LXV (2) La Comunità Internazionale, 2010, 283-292.

30.   La lotta alla corruzione internazionale. Dall’ambito OCSE alla dimensione ONU (with P. Magrini), in 21(1) Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2007, 15-127.

31.   La lotta alla corruzione internazionale: le Convenzioni dell’OCSE e delle Nazioni Unite, il caso EnelPower, la “tangentopoli” irachena, in LX(1) La Comunità Internazionale, 2005, 75-95.


Articles in Collected Volumes (in English):

32.   Economic Analysis and International Law, in Oxford Bibliographies (Oxford University Press, 2020); forthcoming.

33.   The International Rule of Law and the Role of Transparency in the International Trading System: Inferences from Subsidies and SOEs Trade Disciplines, in R. Leal-Arcas, J. Wouters (eds.), Trade, Investment and the Rule of Law, (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020); forthcoming.

34.   Compliance and Privatization of Law Enforcement, (with S. Lonati), in A. Makinwa, T. Søreide (eds.), Negotiated Settlements in Bribery Cases: A Principled Approach, (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019), forthcoming.

35.   Article 26. Liability of Legal Persons, (7308 words), in C. Rose, M. Kubiciel, O. Landwehr (eds.), A Commentary on the United Nation Convention against Corruption, (Oxford University Press: 2019), 274-286.

36.   Article 60. Training and Technical Assistance (5703 words); in C. Rose, M. Kubiciel, O. Landwehr (eds.), A Commentary on the United Nation Convention against Corruption, (Oxford University Press: 2019), 605-615.

37.   Article 61. Collection, Exchange and Analysis of Information on Corruption, (1965 words) in C. Rose, M. Kubiciel, O. Landwehr (eds.), A Commentary on the United Nation Convention against Corruption, (Oxford University Press: 2019), 616-620.

38.   Article 62. Other measures: Implementation of the Convention through Economic Development and Technical Assistance (3151 words), in C. Rose, M. Kubiciel, O. Landwehr (eds.), A Commentary on the United Nation Convention against Corruption, (Oxford University Press: 2019), 621-626.

39.   Article 48. Status of Annexes and Decisions, (with M. Petri) in R. Leal-Arcas (ed.), Commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA US, 2019), pp. 490-496.

40.   Article 49. Depositary, (with M. Petri) in R. Leal-Arcas (ed.), Commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA US, 2019), 497-500.

41.   Articles 50. Authentic Texts (with M. Petri), in R. Leal-Arcas (ed.), Commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham UK/Northampton MA US, 2019), 501-503.

42.   The EU’s Promotion of Human Rights and Sustainable Development through PTAs as a Tool to Influence Business Regulation in Third Countries in A. Bonfanti (ed.), Business and Human Rights in Europe: International Law Challenges, (Routledge: London, 2018), 71-83.

43.   Money Laundering Regulation in the European Union, (with F. Jeske Anema), in K. J. McCarthy (ed.), The Money Laundering Market: Regulating the Criminal Economy, (Agenda Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018), 55-85.

44.   The Economics of Money Laundering, in P. Reichel, J. Albanese (eds.), Handbook of Transnational Crime and Justice. 2nd ed., (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2014), pp. 227-243.

45.   A Claim for “Soft Solutions” in Interconnecting the EU and WTO Legal System - Constitutional Issues and Implementation Exceptions: Is It Time to Lift Rigid Structures? in C. Dordi (ed.) The Direct Effect of WTO Law in the European Community Legal System and in Other Countries. (The Interuniversity Centre on the Law of International Economic Organizations (CIDOIE, Giappichelli: Turin, 2010), 79-119.

46.   Anti-Money Laundering: The Transnational Criminal Framework and Regulation, with M. Arnone in A. Sabitha (ed.), Combating Money Laundering. Transnational Perspectives, (ICFAI University Press: Hyderabad, 2009) 1-48.


Articles in Collected Volumes (In Italian):

47.   Il controllo internazionale tra standardizzazione, coordinamento e ‘contaminazione’, in A. Annoni, S. Forlati, F. Salerno (ed.), La codificazione nell'ordinamento internazionale ed europeo, (ES: Naples, 2019), 591-625.

48.   Corruzione: Impatto sistemico e diritto internazionale, in Riciclaggio e corruzione: prevenzione e controllo tra fonti interne e internazionali, (Giuffrè: Milan, 2013), 37-52.

49.   Strumenti e iniziative di lotta alla corruzione nel commercio internazionale, in G. Sacerdoti (ed.), Responsabilità d’impresa e strumenti internazionali anticorruzione, (Egea: Milan, 2003), 5-57.


Policy reports

Codes of Conduct for Public Officials - GRECO Findings & Recommendations; Strasbourg, 20 March 2019, GRECO(2019)5. Prepared for the Council of Europe, GRECO (Groupe d'Etats contre la corruption/Group of States against Corruption), 20th March 2019, available at:

Regional. Enhancing the IDB’S Borrowing Member Countries’ Work on Transparency and Accountability. Midterm Review of the Regional Technical Cooperation “Strengthening the Integrity of Financial Systems: Improving the Capacity to Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing” (RG-2224), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division, 2015. (The assessment report is confidential).

European Trade Policy and Investment Support Project MUTRAP IV Assessment of Vietnam’s institutional and socio-economic, progress before AEC 2015, 2015, prepared for the European Commission and the Government of Vietnam, (with C. Dordi, J-M Philip).

Expert Report on Money Laundering and Tax Evasion for the Legal Department of the IMF (Financial Integrity Group), 2012. (The report is confidential). 

Modificato il 01/04/2020

Modificato il 11/10/2018