
“Institutions and firms’ productivity: evidence from electricity distribution in EU”, forthcoming Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, DOI: 10.1111/obes.12087. (with C. Del Bo and M. Florio)

“Inequality and Employment in OECD Countries after the Financial Crisis”, ISPI Analysis no. 104, 2012

“Public investment under fiscal contraints”, Fiscal Studies, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 11-42 (with A. Missale and E. Bacchiocchi), 2011

“Industrial clusters and regional innovation: an evaluation and implications for economic cohesion”, Revista Galega de Economìa, Vol.19, 2010. ISSN 1132-2799 (with C. Del Bo and M. Florio)

Modificato il 27/11/2015