Peer-reviewed Publications

Baker, S.G., Kramer, B.S., Sargent, D.J., and Bonetti, M. (2012).  Biomarkers, subgroup evaluation, and trial design. In press, Discovery Medicine.

Modificato il 04/03/2012

Gigliarano, C. and Bonetti, M. (2011).  The Gini Test for Survival Data in Presence of Small and Unbalanced Groups. In press, Biomedical Statistics and Clinical epidemiology.


Modificato il 04/03/2012

Tebaldi, P., Bonetti, M., and Pagano, M. (2011). M statistic commands: interpoint distance distribution analysis. In Press, The Stata Journal. [Code available at].

Modificato il 18/06/2011

Lazar, A.A., Cole, B.F., Bonetti, M. Gelber, R.D. (2010). Evaluation of Treatment–Effect Heterogeneity Using Biomarkers Measured on a Continuous Scale: Subpopulation Treatment-Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP). Journal of Clinical Oncology (Statistics in Oncology series), 28(29); 4539–4544.

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Gunnarsdo ttira,K.A.,Jensena,M.-B.,Zahrieh,D.,Gelber,R.D.,Knoopa,A.,Bonetti,M.,Mourid- sena, H. and Ejlertsena, B. (2010). CEF is superior to CMF for tumours with TOP2A aberrations: A Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP) Analysis on Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group Study 89D. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 123(1), pp. 163–169.

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Bonetti, M., Gigliarano, C. and Muliere, P. (2009). The Gini Concentration Test for Survival Data. Lifetime Data Analysis, doi: 10.1007/s10985-009-9125-5.

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Forsberg White, L., Bonetti, M. and Pagano, M. (2009). The choice of the number of bins for the M statistic. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(10):3640–3649.

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Park, P.J., Manjourides, J., Bonetti, M. and Pagano M. (2009). A permutation test for determining significance of clusters with applications to spatial and gene expression data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(12):4290–4300.

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Bonetti, M., Zahrieh, D., Cole, B.F. and Gelber, R.D. (2009). A small sample study of the STEPP approach to assessing treatment-covariate interactions in survival data. Statistics in Medicine, 28(8):1255–68.

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Bonetti, M., Olson, K.L., Mandl, K.D. and Pagano, M. (2008). Parametric modelling of interpoint distance distributions, with an application to a mixture model for biosurveillance data. Biomedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology, 2(3); 255–266.

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Bonetti, M., Cole, B.F. and Gelber, R.D. (2008). Another STEPP in the right direction. Letter to the Editor, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26(22):3813–3814.

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Karlson, E.W., Watts, J., Signorovitch, J., Bonetti, M., Wright, E., Cooper, G., McAlindon, T.E., Costenbader, K.H., Massarotti, E.M., Fitzgerald, L.M., Jajoo, R., Husni, E., Fossel, A.H., Pankey, H., Ding, W.-Z., Knorr, R., Condon, S., Fraser, P.A. (2007). Effect of Glutathione-S-Transferase Polymorphisms and Proximity to Haz- ardous Waste Sites on Time to SLE Diagnosis. Results from the Roxbury Lupus Project. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 56: 244–254.

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Szwarc, S. and Bonetti, M. (2006). Modeling Menstrual Status During and After Adjuvant Treatment for Breast Cancer. Statistics in Medicine, 25: 3534–3547.

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Gruber, G., Bonetti, M., Nasi, M.L., Price, K.N., Castiglione-Gertsch, M., Rudenstam, C-M., Holmberg, S.B., Lindtner, J., Golouh, R., Collins, J., Crivellari, D., Carbone, A., Thuerlimann, B., Simoncini, E., Fey, M.F., Gelber, R.D., Coates, A.S., and Goldhirsch, A. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group. Prognostic Value of Extracapsular Tumor Spread for Locoregional Control in Premenopausal Patients With Node-Positive Breast Cancer Treated With Classical Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and Fluorouracil: Long-Term Observations From International Breast Cancer Study Group Trial VI (2005). Journal of Clinical Oncology 23:7089–7097.

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Olson, K.L., Bonetti, M., Pagano, M. and Mandl, K.D. (2005). Real time spatial cluster detection using interpoint distances among precise patient locations. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 5:19.

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Cole, B.F., Bonetti, M., Zaslavsky, A.M., Gelber, R.D. (2005). A Multistate Markov Chain Model for Longitudinal Quality-of-Life Data Subject to Non-Ignorable Missingness. Statistics in Medicine 24:2317–2334.


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Bonetti, M. and Pagano, M. (2005). The interpoint distance distribution as a descriptor of point patterns, with an application to cluster detection. Statistics in Medicine 24(5), pp. 753–73.

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Ozonoff, A., Bonetti, M., Forsberg, L., and Pagano, M. (2005). Power comparisons for an improved disease clustering test. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48 (4), pp. 679–684.

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M. Extermann, M. Bonetti, G. Sledge, P. O’Dwyer, P. Bonomi, A. Benson (2004). MAX2: a convenient index to estimate the average per patient risk of chemotherapy toxicity. European Journal of Cancer 40(8), pp. 1193–1198.

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Ozonoff, A., Forsberg, L., Bonetti, M., and Pagano, M. (2004). A bivariate method for spatio-temporal syndromic surveillance. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 53 (Suppl), pp. 61–66.

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Bonetti, M. and Gelber, R.D. (2004). Covariates and the pattern of treatment effects in clinical trials. Biostatistics, 5, pp.465–481.

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International Breast Cancer Study Group (Writing Committee: M. Castiglione-Gertsch, A. O’Neill, K.N. Price, A. Goldhirsch, A.S. Coates, M. Colleoni, M.L. Nasi, M. Bonetti, R.D. Gelber) (2003). Adjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Goserelin, Versus Either Modality Alone for Premenopausal Lymph Node-Negative Breast Cancer: A Randomized Trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95, pp.1833–1846.

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Gelber, R.D., Bonetti, M., Castiglione-Gertsch, M., Coates, A.S. and Goldhirsch, A. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) (2003). Tailoring Adjuvant Treatments for the Individual Breast Cancer Patient. The Breast, 12, pp. 558–568.

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A. Wallgren, M. Bonetti, R.D. Gelber, A. Goldhirsch, M. Castiglione-Gertsch, S.B. Holmberg, J. Lindtner, B. Thuerlimann, M. Fey, I.D. Werner, J.F. Forbes, K. Price, A.S. Coates, J. Collins for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (2003). Risk Factors for Locoregional Recurrence Among Breast Cancer Patients: Results from International Breast Cancer Study Group Trials I Through VII. Journal of Clinical Oncology 21, pp.1205–1213.

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International Breast Cancer Study Group (Writing committee: Castiglione-Gertsch, M., Price, K.N., Goldhirsch, A., Coates, A.S., Colleoni, M., Nasi, M.L., Bernhard, J., Zahrieh, D., Bonetti, M., Gelber, R.D.) (2002). Endocrine responsiveness and adjuvant therapy for postmenopausal node-negative breast cancer: an IBCSG randomized trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 94, pp.1054–1065.

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Colleoni, M., Litman, H., Castiglione-Gertsch, M., Sauerbrei, W., Gelber, R.D., Bonetti, M. et al. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group and the German Breast Cancer Study Group (2002). Duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: A joint analysis of two randomized trials investigating 3 versus 6 courses of CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5- fluorouracil). British Journal of Cancer 86, pp. 1705–1714.

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Robins, J., Rotnitzky, A. and Bonetti, M. (2001). Discussion of the Frangakis and Rubin article. Biometrics 57, pp. 343–347.

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Bonetti, M., Gelber, R.D., Goldhirsch, A., Castiglione-Gertsch, M., Coates, A.S. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (2001). Features that predict responsiveness to chemotherapy and endocrine therapies. The Breast 10 (Suppl 3), pp. 147–154.

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Frustaci, S., Gherlinzoni, F., De Paoli, A., Bonetti, M. et al. (2001). Adjuvant chemotherapy for adult soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities and girdles: results of the Italian randomized cooperative trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 19, pp. 1238–1247. Re-published with update (2002) on Journal of Clinical Oncology classic papers and current comments 7, pp.868–877.

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Bonetti, M. and Gelber. R.D. (2000). A graphical method to assess treatment-covariate interactions using the Cox model on subsets of the data. Statistics in Medicine 19, pp. 2595–2609.

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Colleoni, M., O’Neill, A., Goldhirsch, A., Gelber, R.D,. Bonetti, M. et al. for the International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group (2000). Identifying breast cancer patients at high risk for bone metastases. Journal of Clinical Oncology 18, pp. 3925–3935.

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Bonetti, M. and Vitale, R. A. (2000). Asymptotic behavior of a set-statistic. Discrete and Computational Geometry 23, pp. 333–341.

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Crivellari, D., Bonetti, M., Castiglione, M. et al. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (2000). Burdens and benefits of adjuvant CMF and tamoxifen for elderly patients with breast cancer: the International Breast Cancer Study Group trial VII. Journal of Clinical Oncology 18, pp. 1412–1422.

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Bonetti, M. (2000). A new geometric approach to data analysis using the Minkowski polytope. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 32, pp. 259–271.

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Colleoni, M., Bonetti, M., Coates, et al. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (2000). Early start of adjuvant chemotherapy may improve treatment outcome for premenopausal breast cancer patients with tumors not expressing estrogen receptor. Journal of Clinical Oncology 18, pp. 584–590.

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Bonetti, M., Cole, B.F. and Gelber, R.D. (1999). A method-of-moments estimation procedure for categorical quality-of-life data with nonignorable missingness. Journal of the American Statistical Association 94, pp. 1025–1034.

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Gelber, R., Bonetti, M., Cole, B., et al. for the International Breast Cancer Study Group (1998). Quality of life assessment in the adjuvant setting: is it relevant? Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer VI, Senn et al. eds., Springer, pp. 373–389. (Also abstracted on European Journal of Cancer, 34 S1).

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