Other Scientific Publications

Bonetti M. (2008). Funziona? La statistica e la valutazione di efficacia. (”Does it work? Statistics and the evaluation of efficacy,” in Italian). Via Sarfatti 25, publication of Bocconi University, May 23, 2008.

Modificato il 18/06/2011

Bonetti, M., Salford, G. (2007). “Parametric transitional models for the analysis of time sequences: two examples,” Proceedings of the S.Co. 2007 Conference, Venice, Italy, September 6-8, 2007.

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Piccarreta, R., Bonetti, M., Venturini, S. (2007). “Clustering-based Measurement of Dependence,” Proceedings of the 6th Scientific Meeting of the CLADAG of the Italian Statistical Society, Macerata, Italy, September 12-14, 2007.

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Gunnarsduttir, K.A., Jensen, M.B., Zahrieh, D., Gelber, R.D., Knoop, A.S., Bonetti, M., Ejlertsen, B. (2006). CAF is superior to CMF for tumors with topoisomerase II a gene alterations: A STEPP analysis on Group (DBCG) Study 89D. Poster at The 29th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (Dec. 14–17, 2006).

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Ozonoff, A., Bonetti, M., Forsberg, L., Jeffery, C. and Pagano, M. (2005). The distribution of interpoint distances, cluster detection, and syndromic surveillance. 2004 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics Section [CD- ROM], Alexandria, VA:American Statistical Association.

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M. Bonetti, K. Olson, K. Mandl, and M. Pagano (2004). Parametric models for interpoint distances and their use in biosurveillance. 2003 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics Section [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.

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A. Ozonoff, M. Bonetti, L. Forsberg, M. Pagano (2004). The use of multiple addresses to enhance cluster detection. 2003 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics Section [CD- ROM], Alexandria, VA:American Statistical Association.

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Olson KL, Bonetti M, Pagano M, Mandl K (2003). A population-adjusted stable geospatial baseline for outbreak detection in syndromic surveillance. Poster at the National syndromic surveillance conference, Oct. 20-24, 2003, New York. Also abstract in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Syn- dromic Surveillance Reports 2004, 53 (Suppl.):256.

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Ozonoff, A., Forsberg, L., Bonetti, M., Pagano, M. (2003). A bivariate method for spatio-temporal syndromic surveillance. Poster at the National syndromic surveillance conference, Oct. 20-24, 2003, New York.

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Wolff, A.C., Bonetti, M., Sparano, J.A., Wang, M., Davidson, N.E., on behalf of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (2003). Cardiac safety of trastuzumab (H) in combination with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (D) and docetaxel (T) in HER2-positive metastatic breast can- cer (MBC): preliminary results of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Trial E3198. Poster, American Society of Clinical Oncology meetings.

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Olson KL, Bonetti M, Pagano M, Mandl KD (2002). Enhanced power to detect bioterrorism with spatial clustering. Pediatric Research 51 (No 4 Pt 2) 132A. Abstract at the Pediatric Academic Societies’ 2002 meetings, Baltimore, MD.

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M. Extermann, M. Bonetti, G. Sledge, P. O’Dwyer, P. Bonomi, A. Benson (2002). MAX2: a convenient index to estimate the average per patient risk of severe toxicity from a chemotherapy regimen. Testing in ECOG studies. Abstr. 1459, Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2002.

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Park, P.J., Pagano, M. and Bonetti, M. (2001). Nonparametric scoring algorithm for identifying informative genes from microarray data. Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 6, pp. 52–63.

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Bonetti, M. and Piccioni, M. (1992). Deformable templates: a statistical setting, Proceedings from the 1992 OAGM Conference, Munich: Verlag, pp. 98–107.

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Modificato il 18/06/2011