Chapters in Books

Forsberg, L., Bonetti, M., Jeffery, C., Ozonoff, A. and Pagano, M. (2005). Distance-based methods for spatial and spatio-temporal surveillance. Chapter in book Spatial and Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health, Wiley.

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M. Bonetti, L. Forsberg, A. Ozonoff, and M. Pagano (2003). The distribution of interpoint distances. Chapter in book Biomathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security. Carlos Castillo- Chavez and H. T. Banks, Editors. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, SIAM.

Modificato il 18/06/2011

Eisenhauer, E.A., Bonetti, M., and Gelber, R.D. (1999). Principles of clinical trials, chapter in Textbook of Medical Oncology, 2nd edition, Martin Dunitz publ, pp. 99–136. Also in new edition (2004).

Modificato il 18/06/2011

Modificato il 18/06/2011