
Working Papers

Robust Product Design and Pricing
(with Kyungmin Kim), December 2023


Time-Varying Cost of Distancing: Distancing Fatigue and Lockdowns
(with Christoph Carnehl and Satoshi Fukuda), September 2023


Value of Information and Fairness Opinions in Takeovers
(with Mehmet Ekmekci)                      


Conditional Offers in Takeovers with a Large Shareholder
(with Mehmet Ekmekci)


Efficient Trade Mechanism with Discrete Values  
(with Mihai Manea)




Signaling Covertly Acquired Information
(with Mehmet Ekmekci), accepted Journal of Economic Theory


Epidemics With Behavior
(with Christoph Carnehl and Satoshi Fukuda), Journal of Economic Theory, 209 (2023).


Optimal Pricing, Private Information and Search for an Outside Offer
(with Sarah Auster and Salvatore Piccolo), RAND Journal of Economics, 52 (2021), 758-777.


Optimal Selling Mechanisms Under Moment Conditions
(with Vinicius Carrasco, Vitor Farinha Luz, Matthias Messner, Paulo Monteiro and Humberto Moreria), Journal of Economic Theory, 177 (2018), 245-279.


The Design of Ambiguous Mechanisms
(with Alfredo Di Tillio and Matthias Messner), The Review of Economic Studies, 84 (2017), 237-276.


Just Enough or All: Selling a Firm
(with Mehmet Ekmekci and Rakesh Vohra), AEJ: Micro, 8 (2016), 223-256.


Information in Tender Offers with a Large Shareholder
(with Mehmet Ekmekci), Econometrica, 84 (2016), 87-139.


Asking Questions
Games and Economic Behavior, 87 (2014), 642-650.


Incentive Compatibility in Non-quasilinear Environments
(with Matthias Messner), Economic Letters, 121 (2013), 12-14.


Extremal Incentive Compatible Transfers
 (with Matthias Messner),  Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (2013), 134-164.


Communication and Efficiency in Auctions
Games and Economic Behavior, 75 (2012), 233-249.


Modificato il 06/02/2024