Dipartimento di Marketing / Department of Marketing
Per la lingua del corso verificare le informazioni sulle classi/
For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana
Conoscenze pregresse consigliate
Mission e Programma sintetico
- Brand-consumer experience
- Fattori psicologici, di contesto, e socio-culturali che influenzano la brand-consumer expereince
- Analisi e misurazione del valore di un brand
- Decioni strategiche per il lancio di nuovi brands
- Come predire la traiettoria di adozione di un nuovo brand
- Come predire l'accettazione di un nuovo brand
- Brand positioning e repositioning
- Brand elements (nome, logo, personalità)
- Brand referents
- Promozione e pricing
- Branding nell'era digitale
- Brand extensions: orizzontali e verticali
- Strategie di gestione di portafoglio
Risultati di Apprendimento Attesi (RAA)
- Comprendere il significato della disciplina strategica di branding e del suo ruolo nel creare shareholder value
- Comprendere i brands come co-creazione di marketers, consumatori, società e mercati
- Comprendere decisioni essenziali per la gestione strategica e tattica di un brand
- Distinguire le modalita’ di applicazione di principi fondamentali ed emergent di branding come relationship branding, brand building, brand positioning, brand design, brand portfolio strategy e brand architecture
- Navigare fenomeni correnti come artificial intelligence for business e branding in the digital age
- Analizzare la relazione consumatore-brand sulla base di modelli econonimici e psicologici
- Valutare brand acceptance e brand adoption
- Formulare un piano strategico e tattico per un nuovo brand al fine di costruire, sviluppare, e difendere un brand, e di basare queste decisioni su dati appropriati
- Valutare l’impatto di un brand in termini di brand power e brand equity
- Articolare una strategia di brand in termini di brand portfolio e brand architecture
- Sviluppare un progetto di brand audit
Modalità didattiche
- Lezioni frontali
- Lezioni online
- Analisi casi studio / Incidents guidati (tradizionali, multimediali)
- Lavori/Assignment individuali
- Lavori/Assignment di gruppo
- Altre attivita' d'aula interattive on campus/online (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)
Durante il corso, oltre alle lezioni frontali, sono svolte le seguenti attività:
- Discussione di casi su global brands che esemplificano l'applicazione di un concetto o framework discusso in aula.
- Experiential exercises, dove svolgere il ruolo di brand manager.
- Realizzazione di un progetto di Brand Audit che permette e richiede l'applicazione sistematica di quanto appreso e discusso in classe durante il corso.
Metodi di valutazione dell'apprendimento
Accertamento in itinere | Prove parziali | Prova generale | |
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Le modalità di valutazione sono basate su tre elementi:
- Progetto di brand audit: 35%
- Esame finale: 55%
- Partecipazione: 10%
- Il progetto di Brand Audit viene svolto in gruppo e fornisce un'opportunita' di applicare quanto appreso durante il corso ad un brand, identificando specifici problemi e opportunita' per il brand, generando recommendazioni basate su dati e e analisi appropriate, e communicando analisi e raccomandazioni in maniera chiara e professionale.
- L'esame viene svolto in forma scritta. Esso è composto da domande sia aperte che chiuse riferite a quanto discusso durante il corso. Questo esame valuta le capacità applicative delle conoscenze apprese durante il corso.
- La partecipazione in classe, tramite discussione di casi e approfondimenti, permette di applicare e approfondire concetti appresi in aula.
La modalità di valutazione per gli studenti non frequentanti è fondata su un esame finale svolto in forma scritta. Esso è composto da domande sia aperte che chiuse riferite a quanto discusso durante il corso. Si vogliono valutare sia le capacità applicative delle conoscenze apprese durante il corso sia verificare l'apprendimento delle conoscenze analitiche e gestionali e la loro corretta comprensione.
Materiali didattici
Materiale didattico costituito da:
- Slides e handouts a cura del docente
- Selezione curata di casi disponibile come digital download via Harvard Buisness Publishing
- Slides e handouts a cura del docente
- B.Busacca, G. Bertoli, M.C.Ostillio,LA MARCA, Costruzione, Sviluppo, Valutazione. Egea, Milano, 2022
Class group/s taught in English
Suggested background knowledge
Mission & Content Summary
- Introduction on the meaning and applications of brands
- Challenges and opportunities for brand management
- Definition of customer-based brand equity
- Analysis and development of brand positioning
- Development of brand names, brand elements and brand identity systems
- Development and management of brand hierarchy, brand architecture and brand portfolio
- Brand management over time and how to revitalise brands
- Measurement of brand equity
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
· Understand the meaning and multiple applications of the brand as a business and cultural construct
· Understand the meaning of customer-based brand equity as the driving principle of brand management
· Learn how to analyse and develop long-term a brand positioning and how to bring it to life through key components of a brand management toolkit
· Learn how to analyse the variables affecting brand hierarchy, architecture and portfolio and how to identify and develop robust, actionable frameworks
· Learn how to protect and nurture the brand equity over time and how to frame brand revitalisation projects
· Learn the methodologies being used to measure the brand equity.
· Conduct an analysis that assesses the brand equity through the lens of customer-based brand equity
· Develop plans outlining the most effective approaches to brand building and brand management over time, learning how to prioritise goals and manage strategic trade-offs
· Develop long-term brand positionings based on the exploration and assessment of alternative scenarios and success criteria
· Translate brand positionings into briefs for the development of brand names and brand elements
· Gather, categorize and prioritize the many variables feeding into a brand hierarchy, brand architecture and brand portfolio
· Develop rigorous brand architecture and portfolio models with in-built longevity and flexibility to cater for modern day enterprises
· Develop a comprehensive brand management project following a robust analytical approach while leveraging the transformative power of brand-led thinking
Teaching methods
- Face-to-face lectures
- Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)
- Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
- Group assignments
During the course, in addition to face-to-face lectures, the following activities are carried out:
· Guest speakers’ sessions on brand management challenges with managers or entrepreneurs from companies operating in a variety of sectors
· Case studies to apply the methods learnt in the classroom
· A group work assignment focused on the design and development of a brand management project. This work will require a systematic and innovative approach on some key topics covered in the course (for instance: assessing and growing brand equity by introducing new products or by evolving the positioning and portfolio of existing brands). The group work assignment aims to enable students to apply the main analytical and managerial knowledge developed during the course.
Assessment methods
Continuous assessment | Partial exams | General exam | |
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The evaluation methods are based on two elements:
1. Group work assignment: 50%
2. Final written individual exam: 50%
1. Participants are asked to work together in teams and are given one written assignment during the term. This assignment consists of developing a brand management project focusing on topics developed during the course. A panel comprising senior staff from the company providing the project brief will evaluate the group work. This assignment is intended to assess students’ ability to analyze relevant variables and translate the analysis into strategic recommendations for brand management, thus applying the frameworks and tools learned during the course.
2. There is one final, individual exam in written form. The exam refers to concepts, models, cases and any other material from the textbook, classroom discussions, and supplementary material provided by the professors. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and short-essay questions aimed at assessing students’ proficiency in developing rigorous reasoning and applying it to concrete business situations.
As a requisite for passing the overall exam, students must pass the written individual exam regardless of the grade obtained in the group assignment.
Assessment for non-attending students is based on a final, individual exam in written form.
The exam can cover concepts, models, cases and any other material present in the entire textbook (all chapters and appendixes). It consists of multiple-choice questions and short-essay questions aimed at assessing proficiency in developing rigorous reasoning and applying it to concrete business situations.
Teaching materials
Teaching materials:
· Selected chapters from Kevin Lane Keller, Vanitha Swaminathan, “Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity”, Global Edition, Fifth edition, Pearson Education Limited
· Slides from Professors
· Slides from Guest Speakers
· Academic papers and articles selected by Professors
Teaching materials:
· Kevin Lane Keller, Vanitha Swaminathan, “Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity”, Global Edition, Fifth edition, Pearson Education Limited