Insegnamento a.a. 2022-2023


Department of Finance

Course taught in English
Go to class group/s: 31
EMIT (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-S/06)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Suggested background knowledge

It is suggested to have a good preliminary knowledge of: financial calculus (compounding & discounting and the different conventions; bond payment schedule; yield to maturity; term structure of spot rates and discount factors; present value of a stream of cash flows); basic derivatives (forwards and options) and their pricing (cash-and-carry & Black-Scholes formula); stochastic calculus (martingale, Brownian motion and its properties, Ito's lemma, arithmetic & geometric Brownian motion ); no-arbitrage and risk-neutral pricing.

Mission & Content Summary


The purpose of the course is to present the latest achievements in the term structure modeling for pricing and hedging interest rate derivatives. Emphasis is devoted to the theoretical and practical implementation of the models, and the suitability of different models in complex valuation and hedging problems of interest rate options, equity-linked fixed income securities and structured products commonly used in the industry. Particular emphasis is also devoted to credit risk issues, such as assessment of counterparty credit risk and to the new approaches in interest rate modelling over the last decade. On completing the course the participants have a clear and thorough understanding of the different methodologies in the pricing and hedging of interest rate options. The course is quantitatively oriented, but financial and practical issues are greatly discussed. On successful completion of this module, you are expected to be able to: 1. To provide a foundation in a crucial area of financial markets and quantitative finance. 2. To complement the general derivatives course with specific instruction in a key derivatives area. 3. To acquaint the student with the main modelling streams in fixed income securities. 4. To enable students to use models in this area in practical applications. 5. To transmit the student with fundamental mathematical modelling techniques underpinning the subject.


The main topics covered in the course are detailed here below:

  • Introduction to Fixed Income World: Examples of Structured products and Financial Engineering. Review of Basic elements of financial math and Interest Rate Conventions.
  • Building Blocks: LIBOR, FRA, Eurofutures, Swap.
  • Yield Curve Stripping: the Bootstrapping Procedure. Interpolating the yield curve: parametric and non-parametric methods.
  • Pricing Floating Rate Notes.
  • Interest Rate Options: Caps, Swaptions and Bond Options.
  • Use and transformations of the central Black Formula. The Black Model and the volatility surface
  • Allowing for negative rates: Bachelier and Shifted Black model.
  • Application to pricing structured products and their use for hedging interest rate risk.
  • The foundations of risk-adjusted pricing in Fixed Income. The change of numeraire and pricing of interest rate derivatives.
  • Understanding the different approaches to modelling. Classic rate models: short rates (Vasicek model and beyond) for plain vanilla fixed income derivatives. Modern rate models: BGM (Libor Market Model) for structured derivatives
  • The financial crisis and the consequences on Fixed Income: credit spreads, collateral requirements, funding costs and negative rates.
  • Multicurve, collateral-based modelling, and overnight rates
  • The impact on fixed income of fintech innovations. Money from SWIFT to internet blockchain networks and cryptocurrencies.
  • Tech innovations change finance: cryptography, peer-to-peer, consensus
  • Innovating derivatives from banks’ point of view: automatic collateral, real-time settlement, smart contracts
  • DeFi platforms and products. Decentralized borrowing-lending, DEX, derivative algorithmic currencies. New risks and regulations.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Have a foundation in a crucial area of financial markets and quantitative finance.
  • Complement the general derivatives course with specific instruction in a key derivatives area.
  • Be acquainted with the main modelling streams in fixed income securities.
  • Be able to use models in this area in practical applications.
  • Be able to deal with fundamental mathematical modelling techniques underpinning the subject.
  • Understanding the impact of fintech on fixed income products


At the end of the course student will be able to...

Knowledge and understanding:

  • Show knowledge of the some of the main models used in the mathematical modelling of fixed income.
  • Understand how models are applied in practice.
  • Understand the key differences between different modelling approaches.


  • Performing basic fixed income computations.
  • Building the term structure of interest rates.
  • Valuing interest rate swaps.
  • Setting up hedges for fixed income portfolios.
  • Implementing  the main models and using them to value fixed income securities and fixed income derivatives.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Online lectures
  • Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
  • Case studies /Incidents (traditional, online)
  • Group assignments


This module is taught primarily through lectures and laboratories, making use of numerical (mainly using Excel) and analytic examples with the support of case studies.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  x x
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  x x


Written exam with numerical and theoretical questions, according to two possibilities:

  1. Two partial examinations (closed books) are planned. The first mid-term exam follows the initial six lectures and is based on the corresponding content. It will be open books and will require the solution of numerical (using Excel) and theoretical questions. The student must show a personal understanding of the main topics and the ability to perform analytical and numerical calculations.  The second partial (closed books) occurs at the end of the course and is based on the second part of the course.   Grades are assigned as follows: 55% for the part having highest mark and 45% for the part having lowest score.
  2. A General examination (closed books) at the end of the course is planned, and is based on the contents presented during the course. Numerical and theoretical questions will be the content of the exam. 


In addition, a not-compulsory group coursework (maximum 3 persons per group) on pricing a structured product is possible.  The usual deadline for the take home examination is around mid-January. The use of Excel VBA/Matlab/R/Pyhton will be required. The coursework gives the possibility of adding a maximum of 3 points to the written mark. 

Teaching materials


Textbook and course material:

  1. Lecture Slides provided by the teachers.
  2. Chapters from the following sources:
  •  D. BRIGO, F. MERCURIO, Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit, Springer Finance, 2007, 2nd ed.
  • P. VERONESI, Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management, Wiley, 2009.
  • B. TUCKMAN, A.SERRAT,  textit{Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets}, 3rd Edition.
  • L. BALLOTTA, FUSAI, G. and MARENA, M., A Gentle Introduction to Default Risk and Counterparty Credit Modelling, available at SSRN
  • A complete suggested reading list is distributed at the beginning of the course.
Last change 09/06/2022 21:47