Insegnamento a.a. 2021-2022


Department of Social and Political Sciences

Course taught in English
Go to class group/s: 31
DES-ESS (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/03)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Suggested background knowledge

Basic knowledge of microeconomics and microeconometrics is recommended.

Mission & Content Summary


Government intervention in modern economies is ubiquitous and sizeable. As a crude measure, government revenues and expenditures in European countries account for 40% of GDP on average, and the COVID-19 crisis has enhanced government role in market economies. Government intervention reduces inequality and promotes social mobility, but it can also distort market incentives and generate inefficiency. How to address this potential trade-off is in the hands of national governments, which act in a globalised world where labour and capital flows may limit governments’ room for manouevre. Understanding when the government should intervene, how it should do so and with what consequences is crucial to grasp how modern economies work. The aim of this course is to provide students with theoretical and empirical tools to analyse some of the areas of public intervention. During classes we will identify the institutional details which characterise a given policy; frame policy questions in theoretical terms; find the appropriate data to perform empirical analysis on the impact of a given policy and familiarise with the empirical toolkit that is used in this literature.



The course focuses on selected areas of public intervention, which are at the forefront of policy debate and academic research. We start from the observation that inequality is undermining political and economic stability and study the different angles from which public policy can tackle it. These include:

  • Education and skill formation.
  • Social security and redistribution.
  • Tax systems and tax evasion.
  • Gender.
  • International migration and the integration of immigrants.
  • Health disparities.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Recognise the main trends in public intervention in the economy.
  • Identify the main justifications for government intervention.
  • Illustrate modes of intervention in education, social security and redistributive policy.
  • Describe what motivates tax evasion.
  • Distinguish the various dimensions of inequality and discuss policy which can address them.
  • Discuss the fiscal impact of immigration.


At the end of the course student will be able to...

Address policy relevant questions by:

  • Identifying the institutional details which characterise a given policy.
  • Framing the policy question in theoretical terms.
  • Choose the appropriate data to perform empirical analysis on the impact of the policy.
  • Analyse and interpret the results of the empirical analyses.
  • Advocate for specific public policy interventions.

Teaching methods

  • Face-to-face lectures
  • Individual assignments
  • Group assignments


Group assignments are group presentations. Each group must prepare a presentation on a given topic starting from the reading of academic papers. The topic can be chosen from a list provided by the professors during the course. Students must submit presentation slides, an abstract and the reading list on which the presentation is based.

Students who decide not to give group presentations in class can write an individual essay on a given topic, chosen from a list provided by the professors, and based on the reading of academic papers. The essay must be delivered by the date of the exam.


Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  x x
  • Individual assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)
  • Group assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Two written partial exams or general, plus (optional) group/individual assignment.


The written exam aims at verifying that students are able to present theoretical models, to analyse and interpret the results of empirical analyses, and to discuss alternative policy reform proposals. The written exam is worth up to 28 points.

Group assignments are group presentations and are worth up to 3 points.

Each group must prepare a presentation on a given topic starting from the reading of academic papers. The topic can be chosen from a list provided by the professors during the course. Presentations are delivered in class/online. Students must submit presentation slides, an abstract and the reading list on which the presentation is based.

Students must state by the start of the Midterm break whether they intend to give presentations and form/join a group. Group presentations are planned to take place during the last two-three classes of the course.

Students who decide not to give group presentations in class can write an individual essay on a given topic, chosen from a list provided by the professors, and based on the reading of academic papers. The essay is worth up to 3 points. The essay must be delivered by the date of the exam.


Note that, according to University’s rules, you can enrol the second partial exam (PI) only ONCE in the January session.


Teaching materials


Most of the course is based on articles from scientific journals, working papers, lecture slides and notes. The compulsory readings are provided in the detailed course schedule and are divided by topic. All the readings are available on Blackboard for download. Updates to the reading list are possible to adjust to the pace of the class and will be promptly communicated.

Last change 22/07/2021 10:31