Department of Economics
Course taught in English
Course Objectives
The first part of the course examines the functioning of markets and institutions in developing countries. The methodological approach focuses on the role of information, incentives, and limits to contracting, and examines how developing countries cope with these types of market imperfections. The organization of the informal sector in emerging economies is studied in depth, covering such topics as: intra-household allocation of resources; contractual forms in agriculture, microfinance and group lending; risk sharing and informal insurance; firms in developing countries (with particular emphasis on ethnic and informal networks).
The second part of the course deals with the lessons learnt from the transition into a market economy of the formerly planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. A priori expectations as to the scope and the timing of transition is compared with a posteriori evidence. Particular emphasis is devoted to characterising the speed of structural change and the role played by social security systems. The final section deals with institutional changes keeping an eye on pressures arising in the context of the EU Enlargement.
Course Content Summary
Introduction: Institutions and markets in developing countries
Economics of the family
Land markets
Credit markets
Risk sharing and insurance
Social capital
Firms and networks
Understanding Transition
The Optimal Speed of Transition
Transition, Institutional Transformation and Governance
Eastern enlargement and migration
- D. RAY, Development Economics, Princeton Univ. Press, 1998
- G. ROLAND, Transition and Economics, MIT Press, 2000
- T. BOERI, Structural Change, Welfare Systems and Labour Reallocation, Oxford Univ. Press, 2000
Additional readings and material on several topics will be available at the beginning of the course.
For further and continuously updated information consult the IEP web site or contact SID - Servizio Informazione Didattica - Institute of Economics - via Gobbi, 5 - Room 313.
Detailed Description of Assessment Methods
Written examination.
Students have two options. They may take the exam in two written parts: a 1st partial exam and a 2nd partial exam. Alternatively they may take a general exam covering the entire course material.