Dipartimento di Management e Tecnologia / Department of Management and Technology
Per la lingua del corso verificare le informazioni sulle classi/
For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana
Obiettivi formativi del corso
"Le risorse umane sono la base del vantaggio competitivo. Le persone sono la nostra piu' importante risorsa". Da diversi anni ascoltiamo manager, accademici e professionisti recitare questa parole. Obiettivo del corso e' quello di comprendere le ragioni alla base di queste affermazioni e soprattutto di approfondire come sia possibile nel concreto gestire le persone in azienda perché effettivamente, al di la' della retorica manageriale, divengano la base stabile del vantaggio competitivo. I diversi sistemi e strumenti di gestione del personale vengono analizzati con la duplice ottica del capo che in prima linea gestisce i suoi collaboratori e dell'azienda, che attraverso la direzione del personale definisce sistemi di gestione coerenti con la propria strategia e cultura aziendale.
Programma sintetico del corso
- Risorse umane e vantaggio competitivo
- La gestione strategica delle risorse umane
- Le basi comportamentali per la gestione delle risorse umane: competenze e motivazione
- Il ruolo della linea e della direzione risorse umane
- People management: un sistema integrato
- Ricerca e selezione dei collaboratori
- Valutazione dei collaboratori
- Ricompensa dei collaboratori: dal salario alla total compensation
- Analisi, valutazione e sviluppo delle competenze
- Carriera e sviluppo
Descrizione dettagliata delle modalità d'esame
Per i frequentanti
- Esame scritto finale sulle dispense del corso, sulle lezioni e su tutti i materiali utilizzati in aula: 60%;
- Lavoro di gruppo effettuato in aula di analisi di un caso: 15%;
- Lavoro individuale: 25%.
Per i non frequentanti
Esame in forma scritta negli appelli ufficiali sui due testi di riferimento.
Testi d'esame
Per i frequentanti
Dispensa del corso 8034 People management, classi 1-2-3, Il Pellicano, a.a. 2006/07
Tutti i materiali utilizzati in aula e disponibili su Learning Space (LS)
Per i non frequentanti
P. BOXALL, J. PURCELL, Strategy and Human Resource Management, Palgrave, 2003.
G. COSTA, Economia e direzione delle risorse umane, Utet, 2003.
Class group/s taught in English
Course Objectives
The specific objectives of this course are:
To be able to differentiate among the human resource activities occurring at:
the strategic/organizational level of the firm,
the administrative or personnel department level, and
the workplace/operational level.
To increase your knowledge of:
external influences on HRM: laws and the economy;
organizational influences on HRM: business strategies and organizational culture;
evaluating HRM and setting HRM objectives;
hiring and firing employees using recruitment, selection and separation activities;
developing employees through performance assessment, training and development;
compensating employees through equitable pay and benefits;
To improve your skills in:
Analysis and diagnosis of HRM challenges.
Critical thinking and analysis.
Written and oral communication.
Working with others.
Course Content Summary
All managers need to appreciate the value of effective management of human resources. Human capital is a unique source of intellectual capital, and is also the lever through which firm operational tactics and strategies are implemented. The better you manage your people, the better your organization will perform, in terms of sales, and in terms of the bottom line. Complicating this neat relationship is the fact that people are not machines, they have needs, values, and emotions, and the ethics of management imply that employees must be treated with fairness and dignity. This course will draw your attention to the latest thinking on acquiring and developing people, as well as how to align your people strategies with your business strategy.
This course examines all of the diverse influences on the management of people, including the social, ethical, and legal environment; diversity in the work place; national and organizational culture; and business strategy. We will discuss the various technologies used to acquire, monitor, develop and reward employees. Specific practices addressed will include planning, job analysis, employee recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, compensation management, training and development and managing the HR function through the use of HR metrics.
Detailed Description of Assessment Methods
Attending students
In-class case analysis: 20%
Group assignment: 40%
Final exam: 40%
Each week will include a short lecture, a class discussion of the readings, and a case analysis, in addition we will view the occasional video and engage in experiential exercises. The in-class case analysis (20% of grade) will be conducted in groups. To prepare you will need to have thoroughly read the case prior to class, and made notes according to the system introduced in class session 1b ‘Introduction to Case analysis'.
In class you will work in small groups (randomly assigned at the beginning of the course) to develop answers to the assigned questions. Each week I will randomly pick on groups to answer specific questions. The quality of the answer will go towards a group grade for the class. Credit will be offered to any and all groups offering constructive, high quality contributions to the in-class discussion.
A major project for the semester will be a group case analysis (40% of grade). This will represent your own analysis, ideas and writing. It should be conducted and prepared by the group. Do original work, present your own ideas, invoke ideas learned from this class, and present them in a creative, but professional way.
The final exam (40% of grade) will be a written response to one or more mini-case scenarios.
Non-attending students
Written examination based on book and readings for non attending students.
Attending students
J.N. BARON, D.M. KREPS, Strategic Human Resources: Frameworks for General Managers, Stanford Univ. and Tel Aviv Univ. ISBN: 0-471-07253-2
Case book
Non-attending students
J.N. BARON, D.M. KREPS, Strategic Human Resources: Frameworks for General Managers, Stanford Univ. and Tel Aviv Univ. ISBN: 0-471-07253-2
Plus the following additional readings:
D. ULRICH, D. LAKE, Organizational capability: creating competitive advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 1991, 5 (1), 77-92.
J. PFEFFER, Producing sustainable competitive advantage through the effective management of people, Academy of Management Executive, 1995, 9 (1), 55-72
A.J. RUCCI, S.P. KIRN, R.T. QUINN, The employee-customer-profit chain at Sears, HBR OnPoint Article, 1998, (PN 3537).
ROBERTS, HBR Note of the hiring and selection process, 1993, HBS 9-393-093
D.E. BOWEN, G.E. LEDFORD, B.R. NATHAN, Hiring for the organization, not the job, Academy of Management Executive, 1991, 5 (4), 35-51.
O. BEHLING, Employee selection: will intelligence and conscientiousness do the job? Academy of Management Executive, 1998, 12 (1), 77-86.
S.G. SCOTT, W.O. EINSTEIN, Strategic performance appraisal in team-based organizations: One size does not fit all. Academy of Management Executive, 2001, 15 (2), 107-116.
M. BEER, HBS Note: Conducting a performance appraisal interview, 1997, HBS 9-497-058.
A. DENISI, A.N. KLUGER Feedback effectiveness: Can 360-degree appraisals be improved? Academy of Management Executive, 2000, 14 (1), 129-139.
C. ROSEN, M. QUARREY, How well is employee ownership working? Harvard Business Review, 1987, Sept-Oct., 4-7.
A. KOHN, Why incentive plans cannot work, 2002, HBS OnPoint PN 2799.
E. ZEHNDER, A simpler way to pay, 2001, HRB OnPoint PN 6765.
W. GROSSMAN, R.E. HOSKISSON, CEO pay at the crossroads of Wall Street and Main: Toward the strategic design of executive compensation, Academy of Management Executive, 1998, 12 (1), 43-57.
C. PORATH, Examining human resource options: Does investment in employees pay off? Academy of Management Executive, 1999.
M.N. TICHY, G.E.'s crotonville: A staging ground for corporate revolution, Academy of Management Executive, 1989, 3 (2), 99-106.
W. WIGGENHORN, Motorola U: When training becomes an education, Harvard Business Review, 1990, July-August, 71-81.
K.E. MISHRA, G.M. SPREITZER, A.K. MISHRA, Preserving employee morale during downsizing, Sloan Management Review, 1998, 39 (2), 83-95.
D.S. PERKINS, What can CEOs do for displaced workers? Harvard Business Review, 1987, Nov-Dec, 90-93.
W.F. CASCIO, Strategies for responsible restructuring, Academy of Management Executive, 2002, 16 (3), 80-91.