Insegnamento a.a. 2010-2011



Department of Marketing

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLEAM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLES (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the following issues:

  • understanding customer needs and behavior in a so-called digital environment, that is the Internet and its multi-device extensions;
  • analyzing opportunities and managerial challenges for the firms;
  • formulating appropriate marketing strategies and e-business models;
  • building trusting relationships with customers in the digital environment.

Course Content Summary

  • Principles of digital marketing and the Internet.
  • Consumer behavior in the digital environment.
  • Brand Communities and Social Network.
  • Web Design e Web Experience.
  • Digital metrics and web analysis.
  • E-marketing strategies and business models.
  • Branding, pricing and the marketing mix in the digital environment.
  • From customer experience to

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Written exam



Attending students

  • Teachers’ handouts and students’ notes.
  • u. Dholakia, s. Vianello, The Fans Know Best, MIT Sloan Management Review/Wall Street Journal, August 17, 2009.
  • Readings provided in class.

Suggested Readings:

  • d. Chaffey, p.r. Smith, eMarketing eXcellence Planning and optimizing your digital marketing, 3rd edition, 2008, Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier). 
  • a. Mandelli, s. Vianello, Consumers involvement in organizations in the era of social media: open research questions. In Cardoso, G. and Angus Cheong, Jeffrey Cole (eds) World Wide Internet Book, University of Macau Publishing, July 2009.
  • s. Vianello, Community Connections: The new consumer demographic, Communispace, September 2009. 

Non - Attending students

  • d. Chaffey,p.r. Smith, eMarketing eXcellence Planning and optimizing your digital marketing, 3rd edition, 2008, Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier) - (All chapters).
  • Collection of readings (available in the library’s Business source complete database):
    • The Contribution Revolution. By: Cook, Scott.
      In: Harvard Business Review, 2008, Vol. 86 Issue 10, p60-69;
    • Should You Invest in the Long Tail?. By: Elberse, Anita.
      In: Harvard Business Review, 2008, Vol. 86 Issue 7/8, p88-96;
    • Finding Sustainable Profitability in Electronic Commerce.
      By: de Figueiredo, John M.
      In: Sloan Management Review, 2000, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p.41-52.
    • Which Kind of Collaboration Is Right for You?.
      By: Pisano, Gary P.; Verganti, Roberto.
      Harvard Business Review, 2008, Vol. 86 Issue 12, p78-86.
    • The Fans Know Best. By: Dholakia, U., Vianello S. In: MIT Sloan Management Review/Wall Street Journal, August 17, 2009.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)


Fluent level of English language.
Last change 10/05/2010 16:59