Dipartimento di Management e Tecnologia / Department of Management and Technology
La classe 33 รจ riservata agli studenti in scambio (incoming)
Per la lingua del corso verificare le informazioni sulle classi/
For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana
Obiettivi formativi del corso
Il corso si propone di introdurre lo studente alla problematica strategica delle aziende a livello sia di singola area strategica di attività, sia di azienda nel suo complesso. Le domande fondamentali intorno a cui esso è progettato sono le seguenti: Perchè l'azienda ha successo? Come l'azienda lo ha costruito nel tempo? ll successo di oggi può essere mantenuto in futuro? Come un'azienda, oggi in difficoltà, può reinserirsi in un sentiero di crescita profittevole? Tali domande sono evocative del sentiero di sviluppo didattico del corso, che intende mettere in relazione la dimensione statica della strategia con quella dinamica per cogliere il potenziale esplicativo e di comportamento manageriale che essa contiene.
Programma sintetico del corso
Strategia e performance.
- La strategia aziendale: definizioni a confronto.
- L'individuazione dell'assetto strategico dell'impresa.
- Le determinanti della redditività operativa.
- La valutazione della formula imprenditoriale.
- La gestione strategica.
Strategia competitiva.
- L'analisi della struttura del settore.
- La rete del valore.
- Le risorse e le competenze aziendali nella sostenibilità del vantaggio competitivo.
- Costruire e sostenere un vantaggio competitivo di differenziazione.
- Le strategie incentrate sul vantaggio di costo.
Dimanica strategica.
- L'analisi della evoluzione del settore.
- L'analisi dinamica delle risorse e delle competenze.
- La dinamica competitiva.
- L'innovazione strategica.
Valutazione della strategia: principi e strumenti.
Descrizione dettagliata delle modalità d'esame
La prova d'esame, sia per i frequentanti che per i non frequentanti, si svolge in forma scritta per i primi due appelli dopo la conclusione del corso. Per gli appelli successivi la prova d'esame consiste in colloquio orale.
Testi d'esame
Per i frequentanti
G. INVERNIZZI (a cura di), Strategia Aziendale e Vantaggio Competitivo - Testi, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
I. DAGNINO (a cura di), Strategia e Politica Aziendale - Casi, Milano, EGEA, 2008.
Per i non frequentanti
G. INVERNIZZI (a cura di), Strategia Aziendale e Vantaggio Competitivo - Testi, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2008.
A. Martelli, Alle radici della strategia, Le Monnier, 2005.
Class group/s taught in English
Course Objectives
The focus of this course is on how general managers enhance and sustain business performance by implementing some kind of long-term strategy. The course covers analytical and conceptual tools that are meant to be aids to the development of judgment. Its fundamental focus, however, is not on tools, but on sharpening skills at developing robust judgments in the face of uncertainty and complexity.
Course Content Summary
What is strategy?
Industry Analysis.
- The internal sources of competitive advantage.
- Differentiation vs cost strategies.
Growth strategies.
Diversification: the scope of the firm.
Vertical integration.
Strategy implementation.
Detailed Description of Assessment Methods
Attending students
Students are evaluated on class partecipation, individual assignments and final exam (NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO PARTIAL EXAM)
The final grade will weight these areas in the following way
Final written exam 60%.
Individual assignments 25%.
Class partecipation 15%.
Non-attending students
Written exam.
- Course pack (cases and readings), edited by the instructors.
Class group/s taught in English
Course Objectives
A firm's ability to survive and succeed in an increasingly competitive global arena depends on its ability to understand competitive dynamics and to enact strategic responses. The main objectives of this course are to sharpen students' understanding of the dynamics of competition in the extended industry environment in which firms operate, and of the processes through which firms develop and implement strategies in an effort to compete effectively in that environment. The course provides analytical tools and mental models that aid students' understanding and decision-making.
The course aims at identifying, analyzing and understanding the impact of the key structural elements and characteristics of industries and the manner in which firms in those industries compete (and cooperate) with each other in terms of differentiation, segmentation, technology and innovation. Students should gain a better understanding of the relationship between industry structure and overall industry profitability, the firm's position within the industry and its profitability vis-a'-vis the industry average, and the processes through which strategy is enacted.
The program is a highly interactive course on strategy analysis, and covers relevant topics for companies facing global markets, with a special attention on the comparison between the mainstream strategic approach and the specificities of the European business perspective.
Through a series of readings, case studies and projects students are expected, both individually and in groups, to integrate their knowledge about the functional components of business to make strategic decisions and to justify those decisions through oral and written communication. The course is conducted in English and includes both individual and group assignments. It is intended for those students committed to developing their skills and expanding their knowledge of Strategic Management in the global competitive arena.
Course Content Summary
Part 1- Strategy and performance.
- Business strategy: concepts and definitions.
- Developing a competitive strategy and non-competitive strategies.
- The determinants of performance: a cause-effect approach.
- Defining competitive advantage.
- The internal sources of competitive advantage.
- Competences, capabilities and the resource-based view of the firm.
- Explorers and exploiters.
- The external factors influencing company's performances.
- Industry analysis.
- Differentiation advantage strategies.
- Competing in oligopolistic markets.
- Barriers to mobility and advantages of incumbents.
- The value chain analysis: creation and appropriation of value.
- The value net approach.
- Competing in market with demand-side increasing returns.
- Strategies for information-intensive industries.
Part 2 - Corporate Strategy and the Global Challenges.
- The evolution of industries and the life-cycle approach.
- Globalisation and strategy.
- Corporate strategies and effects on competition.
- Managing value in a multibusiness company.
- Strategy and multinational corporations.
- The strategy process and the future of strategy in organizations.
Each session is devoted to a combination of theoretical analysis, case discussion, and/or student presentations and includes the following:
- The analysis and discussion of specific theoretical models (see the course outline for the details of assigned readings).
- The analysis and discussion of business problems - including the search for alternative solutions and their ramifications - which is presented in the form of case studies (see course outline for the details of assigned cases).
- Group/individual presentations based on current news events that are relevant to the content of the course.
Because the course emphasizes the use of facts, figures, numbers and examples that support ideas and concepts, all students are expected to read the syllabus and come to class prepared to contribute to discussions and group activities. "Prepared" means having read the assigned materials in advance of class, and invested the needed time and effort to develop insightful opinions.
Detailed Description of Assessment Methods
Attending students
Partial written exam + final written exam based on short essay-type Q&As on topics covered in the course.
Attendance is necessary for all students expecting to pass the course, as this sequence requieres a significant amount of work, both inside and outside of class.
Non-attending students
Written exam based on short essay-type Q&As on topics covered in the reading materials required for non attending students. The exam may include the application of models and principles covered in the textbooks to additional material (e.g. short business cases, papers or articles) which will be distributed during the exam session.
Attending students
G. SALONER, A. SHEPARD, J. PODOLNY, Strategic Management, Wiley, 2005.
C. A. CARNEVALE MAFFE', Course Package - Cases and Readings, available on Bocconi Web Learning Platform.
Non-attending students
G. SALONER, A. SHEPARD, J. PODOLNY, Strategic Management, Wiley, 2005.
H. MINTZBERG, B. AHLSTRAND, J. LAMPEL, Strategy Safari, Prentice Hall, 2005.