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Course 2008-2009 a.y.


Department of Social and Political Sciences

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31

ACME-LS (12 credits - I sem. - CO)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

Students attending the Laboratory of Art Market and Cultural Heritage are given a broad view on the managerial, economic and financial complexity, the process of production, delivery and behavioural consumption of goods and services in the artistic, cultural, archeological, archival, librarian and monumental sectors, with an emphasis on the economic valorization. 
Students also study the most innovative and controversial assets of the intermediation process of goods, services and copyrights of cultural institutions and their business partners, with a prominent attention on the most important international experiences.
The Laboratory surveys the management issues of some main organizations that work in the art market and correlated services (galleries, auction houses, fairs, specialized publishing, exhibition designer, brokers, sponsorship brokers, etc.), to look over the demand and supply chain correlated to the visual arts, the direct relationship between producers and consumers and the impersonal connections through dealers, places and production times, emerging professional profiles.
The course also aims to work out internship agreements with public or private institutions, in order to give the students the possibility to strengthen his personal forming path and to prepare his final thesis project.

Course Content Summary
  • Cultural heritage, environment, development: the new actors    
  • The new regulations of art and cultural market
  • The new museums and the cultural heritage of third millennium
  • The transformation in publishing organizations and the new business assets of cultural institutions
  • The new professional profiles
  • Principles and management of economic valorization of historical assets
  • Emerging markets
  • Fund and Friend raising
  • Art and cultural institutions and markets     

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Per i frequentanti
L'esame del corso prevede:

  • un esame orale finale basato sulle letture fornite in aula dai docenti (67% del voto finale)
  • la valutazione dell'elaborato individuale presentato in aula (33% del voto finale).

Per i non frequentanti
Esame orale

  • I materiali didattici verranno distribuiti in aula: non sono previste monografie di riferimento, ma articoli scaricabili in formato PDF dalle basi dati elettroniche dell'Universita' Bocconi.
Last change 18/03/2008 12:33