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Eventi del

27 2017 14:00 28 2017 14:00
Aula N31 - Piazza Sraffa, 13 (Velodromo)

Objects of resistance: early global material cultures between inclusion, resilience and refusal (1300-1600)

Stefania Gerevini, Università Bocconi - Lucas Burkart, University of Basel - Arndt Brendecke, University of Munich - Elizabeth Lambourn, De Montfort University - Beate Fricke, University of Bern - Johannes von Muller, The Warburg Institute - Eva-Maria Troelenberg, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Felicia Gottmann, University of Warwick - Mareile Flitsch, Univertisy of Zurich - Paola Molino, University of Padua - Sussan Babaie, The Courtauld Institute