Il lavoro finale del corso di laurea triennale e la tesi di laurea magistrale rappresentano momenti molto importanti nel percorso formativo di ogni studente. Questa pagina intende fornire un aiuto agli studenti che desiderano scegliere un tema riconducibile alle 10 aree di interesse dei docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche che sono:
- Art, Culture and Philosophy
- Economic, Business and Social History
- European and International Studies
- Health
- Politics and Institutions
- Public Management and Non Profit
- Public Policy and Economics
- Sociology
- Demography
- Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Potete trovare una lista di argomenti specificiche afferiscono a ciascuna delle aree sopra menzionate. Selezionando un argomento otterrete l’elenco dei docenti che possono essere contattati come docente tutor per il lavoro finale o come docente relatore per la tesi di laurea magistrale.
Oltre ai temi e ai docenti riportati in questa pagina, gli studenti possono proporre un argomento diverso e contattare altri docenti che abbiano corsi d’insegnamento del Dipartimento o che afferiscano a Centri di ricerca che hanno un legame con il Dipartimento, quali ASK, BAFFI, CERGAS, DONDENA,GREEN e IGIER. Il lavoro finale e la tesi di laurea magistrale possono essere scritti in italiano o in inglese, seguendo le indicazioni del proprio corso di studi.
Si raccomanda agli studenti di leggere le indicazioni generali per la stesura del lavoro finale e della tesi e per gli adempimenti amministrativi che sono riportate nei capitoli di riferimento delle Guide all’Università per i Corsi di Laurea Triennali e Magistrali
Per un ulteriore supporto potete rivolgervi alla prof.ssa Antonella Mori (
Potete consultare le guide realizzate dalla Biblioteca per creare la vostra strategia di ricerca e orientarvi tra gli strumenti e le risorse disponibili:
- Social and Political Sciences
- Sociology
- Public administration
- Demography
- Public economics
- Globalization and international studies
- Public policy
Aree tematiche: Biostatistics, Biostatistics, Demography, Health economics, Health policy, Poverty and inequality, Social policy, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Biostatistics, Demography, Epidemiology, General Economic history, Historical demography, History of inequality, Poverty and inequality, Social history
Aree tematiche: Conflicts, Conflicts, Corruption, Democracy, International relations, International relations, Mass media, Migration, Migration
Aree tematiche: Competitiveness of countries, European Union policies, Global value chains, Internationalization of firms, Regional integration agreements
Aree tematiche: Epistemology, Epistemology (ACP), History of economic thought, History of international relations, International organizations, Monetary and financial history
Aree tematiche: Demography, Education, Education policy, Gender economics, Gender issues, Labour economics, Migration, Migration, Migration, Policy evaluation
Aree tematiche: Aging, Aging, Demography, Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Gender economics, Gender issues, Healthcare management, Healthcare management, Health economics, Health economics, Labour economics, Pension, Policy evaluation, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Art and culture management, Art and culture management, Food and agriculture, Tourism, Tourism management
Aree tematiche: Art and culture management, Art and culture management, Art history, General Economic history, History of cultures and cultural institutions, Social history
Aree tematiche: Demography, Education, Gender issues, Health policy, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Business history, General Economic history, History of European enterprises, History of globalization, History of globalization, Political economy of institutions
Aree tematiche: Aging, Aging, Biostatistics, Biostatistics, Demography, Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Health economics, Health economics, Migration, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Business - government relations, Business history, General Economic history, History of European enterprises, History of globalization, History of globalization, Internationalization of firms
Aree tematiche: Biostatistics, Biostatistics, Demography, Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Health policy
Aree tematiche: Contemporary Italian history, General Economic history, History of globalization, History of globalization, History of international relations
Aree tematiche: Art and culture management, Art and culture management, Business - government relations, Organizational innovation, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Education policy, Gender economics, Gender issues, Social policy, Tax systems
Aree tematiche: Corruption, Demography, Gender economics, Performance management and measurement, Sociology
Aree tematiche: European Union policies, Global value chains, Internationalization of firms
Aree tematiche: Business - government relations, Business history, Contemporary Italian history, General Economic history, History of European enterprises, History of globalization, History of globalization
Aree tematiche: Healthcare management, Health economics, Health policy, Health policy, Health technology assessment, Organizational innovation
Aree tematiche: ICT, e-government and transparency, Non profit, Organizational innovation
Aree tematiche: Energy, Environmental policy, Public utilities and infrustructure financing and management, Public utilities and infrustructure policies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: Demography, Labour economics, Migration, Migration, Migration, Social policy
Aree tematiche: Corruption, History of European enterprises, International relations, Political economy of institutions, Politicians
Aree tematiche: Conflicts, Conflicts, Corruption, Democracy, International relations, International relations, Political participation and voting
Aree tematiche: Food and agriculture, History of economic thought, History of international relations, International organizations, Monetary and financial history
Aree tematiche: Health policy, Health policy, Performance management and measurement, Policy evaluation, Public administration reforms
Aree tematiche: Biostatistics, Epidemiology, General Economic history, History of inequality, Monetary and financial history
Aree tematiche: Pension, Political economy of welfare state and taxation, Politicians, Public policy reforms
Aree tematiche: Conflicts, Conflicts, Education, Gender issues, International relations, Poverty and inequality
Aree tematiche: Crime, Demography, Gender economics, Policy evaluation, Political participation and voting
Aree tematiche: Art history, General Economic history, History of cultures and cultural institutions
Aree tematiche: Health economics, Health economics, Health policy, Health policy, Policy evaluation
Aree tematiche: Business history, General Economic history, History of globalization
Aree tematiche: Labour economics, Pension, Policy evaluation, Public policy reforms
Aree tematiche: European Union policies, Political participation and voting, Public policy reforms
Aree tematiche: Art and culture management, Art and culture management, Art history, History of cultures and cultural institutions
Aree tematiche: Energy, Environmental policy, Public utilities and infrustructure financing and management, Public utilities and infrustructure policies
Aree tematiche: Corruption, Political economy of institutions, Political participation and voting, Politicians
Aree tematiche: Political economy of institutions, Public administration reforms, Public management for competitiveness and social capital
Aree tematiche: Health policy, Health policy, History of globalization, Migration, Migration, Sociology
Aree tematiche: History of globalization, Labour economics, Non profit, Political economy of institutions, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Healthcare management, Healthcare management, Health policy, Health policy, Human resources management, Migration, Organizational innovation, Social policy
Aree tematiche: Democracy, Political economy of institutions, Political participation and voting, Politicians
Aree tematiche: Business - government relations, Corruption, International organizations, Organizational innovation, Public administration reforms
Aree tematiche: Biostatistics, Biostatistics, Demography, Epidemiology, Epidemiology, Health economics, Health economics, Health policy, Health policy, Migration, Migration
Aree tematiche: Latin America, Regional integration agreements
Aree tematiche: Crime, General Economic history, Historical demography, History of inequality, Latin America, Political economy of institutions, Poverty and inequality
Aree tematiche: ICT, e-government and transparency, Public management for competitiveness and social capital
Aree tematiche: Business - government relations, Healthcare management, Healthcare management, Health economics, Health economics, Health policy, Health technology assessment, Urban policy
Aree tematiche: Demography, Poverty and inequality, Social policy, Sociology
Aree tematiche: Policy evaluation, Public utilities and infrustructure financing and management, Public utilities and infrustructure policies, Regional policy, Transport, Urban policy
Aree tematiche: Aging, Education policy, Gender economics, Gender issues, Labour economics, Pension, Political economy of welfare state and taxation, Public policy reforms, Social policy, Tax systems
Aree tematiche: Business - government relations, Non profit, Organizational innovation, Public administration reforms, Public utilities and infrustructure policies
Aree tematiche: Environmental policy, Health policy, Political economy of institutions, Political economy of welfare state and taxation
Aree tematiche: Corruption, Mass media, Political participation and voting
Aree tematiche: Health economics, Health policy, Health policy, Health technology assessment, Health technology assessment
Aree tematiche: Health economics, Health economics, Health policy, Health policy, Health technology assessment, Health technology assessment
Aree tematiche: Art and culture management, Art and culture management, Non profit, Organizational innovation, Public administration reforms
Aree tematiche: Human resources management, Performance management and measurement, Public administration reforms, Public utilities and infrustructure financing and management, Public utilities and infrustructure policies, Utilities
Aree tematiche: General Economic history, History of globalization, International relations, International relations, Planned economies