Il lavoro finale/tesi rappresenta l'ultimo passaggio della vostra esperienza nei Corsi di Laurea Triennali/Magistrali. Vi e' richiesto di dimostrare la vostra maturita' personale e intellettuale e la vostra abilita' di applicare i concetti che avete studiato durante il vostro corso di studi in Bocconi.
Il lavoro finale, e la tesi in particolare, richiedono sforzi e impegno: dovrete dedicarvi un tempo adeguato e una seria pianificazione.
Ogni lavoro finale/tesi dovrebbe iniziare con un'analisi preliminare del possibile argomento di ricerca che sia possibilmente innovativo, interessante e praticabile.
Questa pagina intende essere un punto di partenza per gli studenti che desiderano scegliere un tema riconducibile alle aree tematiche di interesse dei docenti del Dipartimento di Scienze computazionali:
- Physics of Complex systems and Computation
- Theory of Computation
- Applied AI and Foundations of ML
- Computational biology and computational neuroscience
- Computational social science
Qui sotto potrete trovare una lista di settori più specifici afferenti alle aree sopra menzionate; selezionando uno specifico settore otterrete l’elenco dei docenti che possono essere contattati come potenziali Tutor per il Lavoro Finale o Relatori per la Tesi di Laurea Magistrale.
Ricordiamo che sia il Lavoro Finale che la Tesi di Laurea Magistrale possono essere scritti in italiano o in inglese, seguendo le indicazioni del proprio corso di studi. Si raccomanda agli studenti di leggere le indicazioni generali per la stesura del lavoro finale e della tesi.
Circa gli adempimenti amministrativi, tutte le informazioni sono disponibili online sulla Guida all'Universita' (in particolare capitolo 10):
Per ulteriori informazioni potete rivolgervi al Prof. Fabrizio Iozzi (
Aree tematiche: AI & NLP, Algorithms, Applied Computing: Maths, Physics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, etc., Biological Physics, Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Computational biology, Data & WWW, General & applied physics, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Machine Learning, Mathematics of computing, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Modeling, Simulation, Distributed algorithms, Randomness, geometry and discrete structures, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: AI & NLP, Biological Physics, Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Computational biology, Data & WWW, Machine Learning, Modeling, Simulation, Distributed algorithms, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Data & WWW, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: AI & NLP, Applied Computing: Maths, Physics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, etc., Machine Learning, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Computational biology, Mathematics of computing
Aree tematiche: Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, General & applied physics, Mathematics of computing, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Randomness, geometry and discrete structures, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: Computational complexity, Cryptograpic protocols, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Biological Physics, Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, General & applied physics, Mathematics of computing, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Randomness, geometry and discrete structures, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: AI & NLP, Applied Computing: Maths, Physics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, etc., Machine Learning
Aree tematiche: Randomness, geometry and discrete structures, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Applied Computing: Maths, Physics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, etc., Data & WWW, Mathematics of computing, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Mathematics of computing, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Computational complexity, Cryptograpic protocols, Mathematics of computing, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Data & WWW, General & applied physics, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Machine Learning, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Mathematics of computing, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Theoretical techniques: optimization, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Applied Computing: Maths, Physics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, etc., Biological Physics, Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Computational biology, General & applied physics, Modeling, Simulation, Distributed algorithms, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Biological Physics, Cellular automata, Collective dynamics, Networks, Complex systems: Physical systems, Computational biology, Data & WWW, Machine Learning, ML theory, Algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, Modeling, Simulation, Distributed algorithms, Statistical Physics: Statistical methods, Stochastic processes, Theoretical techniques: optimization, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation
Aree tematiche: Algorithms, Data & WWW, Mathematics of computing, Theory: Computability, Cryptography, Quantum Computation