Published Articles and Books


Exclusionary Practices. The economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance (with M. Motta and C. Calcagno), Cambridge University Press, 2018.


Articles in Journals

Exploiting Growth Opportunities: The Role of Internal Labor Markets (with G. Cestone, F. Kramarz and G. Pica), accepted for publication in the Review of Economic Studies. 


Dynamic Vertical Foreclosure (with M. Motta), Journal of Law and Economics, 63, 763-812, 2020.


Which role for state aid and merger control during and after the Covid crisis? (with M. Motta and M. Peitz), Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 11, 294-301, 2020.


Tying in evolving industries, when future entry cannot be deterred (with M. Motta), International Journal of Industrial Organization,  73, 1-23, 2020.


On the use of price-cost test in loyalty discounts: Which implications from economic theory? (with M. Motta), Antitrust Law Journal,  81, 501-549, 2017.


A Simple Theory of Predation, (with M. Motta), The Journal of Law and Economics, 56, 595-631, August 2013. 


The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets, (with X. Boutin, G. Cestone, G. Pica and N. Serrano-Velarde),  The Journal of Financial Economics,  109(1), 122-145, 2013.

              This article featured in The Economist (11/01/2014).


Exclusive dealing: investment promotion may facilitate inefficient foreclosure (with M. Motta and T. Ronde), The Journal of Industrial Economics, 60(4), 589-608, 2012.


On the anticompetitive effect of exclusive dealing when entry by merger is possible (with M. Motta and L. Persson), The Journal of Industrial Economics, XLVII(4), 785-811, 2009.


Buyers' miscoordination, entry, and downstream competition (with M. Motta), The Economic Journal, 118, 1-27, 2008.


Buyer Power and Quality Improvements (with P. Battigalli and M. Polo), Research in Economics, 61, 45-61, 2007.


Exclusive dealing and entry when buyers compete (with M. Motta), American Economic Review, 96(3), 785-795, 2006.


Identical Price Categories in Oligopolistic Markets. Innocent Behaviour or Collusive Practice?, (with N. Fabra, M. Motta and P. Courty), AGCM Collana Temi e Problemi, Vol. 11,  2006.


The Strategic Impact of Resource Flexibility in Business Groups (with G. Cestone), Rand Journal of Economics, 36(1), 193-214, 2005. 


On the welfare effects of competition for foreign direct investments, European Economic Review, 47(6), 963-983, 2003.


Upstream mergers, downstream mergers and secret vertical contracts, (with Massimo Motta), Research in Economics, 55, 275-289, 2001. 


Does relocation of economic activities hurt labour in the home country?, (with Massimo Motta), Giornale degli Economisti, 1, 60, 97-133, 2001. 


Restrizioni alla pubblicità nelle libere professioni, (with Massimo Motta), Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 3, 1999.



Discussion of Gender Gaps in Policy Making: Evidence from Direct Democracy (by Patricia Funk and Christina Gathmann), Economic Policy, 30(81), 2015.


Discussion of  Financial Fair Play in European Football (by T. Peeters and S. Szymanski), Economic Policy, 29(80), 2014.


Discussion of  Planes, ships and taxes: charging for international aviation and maritime emissions (by M. Keen, I. Parry and J. Strand), Economic Policy, 28(76), 2013.


Discussion of Comparative Advantage and the Welfare Impact of European Integration (by A. Levchenko and J. Zhang), Economic Policy, 27(72), 2012.


Contributions to books

Damages for exclusionary practices: a primer (with J. Padilla and M. Polo), in I. Kokkoris and F. Etro, Competition Law and the Enforcement of Art. 102, Oxford University Press, December 2010.


Advertising Restrictions in Professional Services, (with Massimo Motta), in Amato G. and L. Laudati, The anticompetitive impact of regulation, Edward Elgar, 2001.

Modificato il 30/01/2023