Working papers

Francesco Giavazzi, Felix Iglhaut, Giacomo Lemoli and Gaia Rubera (2020) Terrorist Attacks, Cultural Incidents and the Vote for Radical Parties: Analyzing Text from Twitter, NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) WORKING PAPER 26825


Donato Masciandaro, Davide Romelli, and Gaia Rubera (2020) Tweeting on Monetary Policy and Market Sentiments: The Central Bank Surprise Index, SUERF (The European Monetary and Finance Forum) Policy Note, Issue No 147


Fernando Vega-Redondo, Paolo Pin, Diego Ubfal, Cristiana Benedetti-Fasil, Charles Brummitt, Gaia Rubera, Dirk Hovy, Tommaso Fornaciari Peer networks and entrepreneurship: A Pan-African RCT, IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor) Discussion Paper No. 12848

Modificato il 17/03/2022