Insegnamento a.a. 2024-2025


Cross-institutional study L. Bocconi - Politecnico Milano

Course taught in English

Class timetable
Exam timetable
Go to class group/s: 26
TS (6 credits - II sem. - OB  |  ING-IND/17)
Course Director:

Classes: 26 (II sem.)

Suggested background knowledge

The course is based on the assumption that students have a basic knowledge of Operations and Supply Chain Management. Students who do not have this basic knowledg will be provided with references and material (e.g., slides, MOOCS) to fill the gap.

Mission & Content Summary


With increasing quantities of goods moving across the globe, growing environmental regulatory pressures, and increasing customers’ expectations, sustainable operations and supply chain management have now become one of the key business areas for companies to compete, be successful, and thrive in today's business environment. This course aims to introduce students to principles and practices that facilitate responsible supply chain strategies and sustainable operations. If students are new to this subject they will gain an appreciation of the complexity and diversity of the subject. If students have previous experience of operations and/or supply chain management they will gain fresh insights from current thinking in the new and rapidly expanding topic of sustainability as it relates to operations and supply chain management.


The aims of this course are:

1. To explore operations and supply chain sustainability-related challenges and tradeoffs to be managed, also according to the principles of circularity;

2. To analyse real life supply chains and their sustainable strategies, with particular emphasis on customer service, environmental and social impacts and ethics;

3. To demonstrate how the main theories and practices of sustainable operations and supply chain management can be successfully integrated to achieve sustainable development for the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s economy and society towards the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the process of formulating a sustainable supply chain strategy, ensuring that it is compatible with wider corporate strategy
  • Critically comprehend the drivers of sustainable operations and supply chain management to originally develop innovative collaborative practices with supply chain partners and discuss their significance in relation to examples from industry


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Systematically make informed judgements about how management practices, environmental and social factors can influence sustainable operations and supply chain management strategies
  • Originally construct and deliver effective reporting and reflection to demonstrate a critical understanding of current sustainable supply chain strategies and practices

Teaching methods

  • Lectures


Given the aims and the learning outcomes, this course will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Lectures, i.e. theoretical sessions to provide students with the subject knowledge. Sufficient time will be allocated for small group discussions of case study material and real companies’ experiences (LO1, LO2)
  • Tutorials, i.e. practical sessions during which students will have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge to solve case studies, industrial problems, and interactive exercises (LO2, LO3, LO4)
  • Seminars, i.e. masterclasses delivered by external guests (including top managers from companies to provide students with strong connections to the real-life applications of what has been learnt during the course) (LO1, LO2, LO3)

This kind of approach is suitable for the purposes of this course since it allows for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical application of concepts. It also allows for a deep learning attitude by students (good assimilation of concepts), more inclusivity and it gives the possibility to arrange regularly and optimally formative assessment sessions. Students will be facilitated to achieve all Learning Outcomes and to reach a sufficient depth of learning that is required at a Masters Level.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  • Individual Works/ Assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


First exam session:

  • 40% written exam on course topics
  • 60% (30%+30%) with two Project Works to be submitted by the specified dates

From the second exam session onwards (for those students who do not submit the PWs by the deadline or do not participate in the first written exam session, or for those who want to retake):

  • 100% written exam on course topics + additional material (papers provided to students every week)

In accordance with the CdS regulations, written exams will be conducted in person.


100% written exam on course topics + additional material (papers provided to students every week)

Teaching materials


The teaching material consists of: (i) set of slides supporting the theoretical lectures; (ii) practical exercises and case study materials; (iii) selected references (selection of papers and chapters of relevant books, videos, etc.), (iv).Text of the assignments, deadlines, references and all required material to carry out the group works.

All the material will be available on


The teaching material consists of: (i) set of slides supporting the theoretical lectures; (ii) practical exercises and case study materials; (iii) selected references (selection of papers and chapters of relevant books, videos, etc.).

All the material will be available on

Last change 05/11/2024 12:52