Insegnamento a.a. 2024-2025


Department of Computing Sciences

Course taught in English

Class timetable
Exam timetable
Go to class group/s: 31
CLEAM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - CLEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BESS-CLES (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - WBB (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BIEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BIEM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BIG (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BEMACS (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01) - BAI (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  INF/01)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)
Class 31: ALON ROSEN

Suggested background knowledge

It is recommended to have previously taken a course on computer programming that covered basic algorithms and to be familiar with basic concepts from discrete mathematics and probability. The course will be mathematically rigorous, and so it is also recommended to have the ability to understand definitions and to follow and synthesize mathematical proofs.

Mission & Content Summary


We will start by studying the theory of Computability, which is concerned with the rigorous definition of computational tasks and the analysis of automated procedures that may solve them. This will set the stage for the theory of Computational Complexity, whose goal is to examine what are the resources that are necessary for any algorithm to solve a given task. The second part of the course will cover fundamental topics in quantum computing and quantum algorithms. We will also see how to use quantum information to improve on the best classical algorithms. Topics covered in the course include Turing machines, universality, non-determinism, the halting problem, recursive and recursively enumerable functions, space and time complexity, the classes P and NP, reducibility between decision problems, the Cook-Levin theorem, NP-completeness, quantum information, quantum circuits, Shor’s algorithm, Grover’s algorithm, non-local games, and quantum money.


Unit 1 (Computability - introduction)

·       Course overview

·       Introduction

·       Turing Machine (TM)


Unit 2 (Computability – more on TM)

·       More on the definition of TM

·       Decidable and Recognizable languages

·       Variants of TM

·       Simulation


Unit 3 (Computability – undecidability)

·       The Church-Turing Thesis

·       Examples of decidable languages

·       The Halting problem


Unit 4 (Computability – undecidability contd.)

·       More non-decidable problems

·       Reductions


Unit 5 (Computability – Rice’s theorem)

·       Rice’s Theorem

·       Post Correspondence Problem

·       Wrap up computability


Unit 6 (Complexity - Introduction)

·       Definition of time complexity

·       Complexity of single vs Multiple Tape TM’s

·       PTIME, PATH


Unit 7 (Complexity – The class NP)

·       Non-deterministic TM

·       Poly-time verifiability

·       The classes NP and coNP


Unit 8 (Complexity – NP completeness)

·       Poly-time reducibility

·       NP completeness

·       Existence of NP-complete problems


Unit 9 (Complexity – Cook-Levin)

·       Cook-Levin Theorem

·       More NP-complete problems

·       Decision vs. Search


Unit 10 (Complexity – The class PSPACE)

·       Cook/Karp/Levin reductions

·       Coping with NP-hardness

·       Space complexity


Unit 11 (Introduction to Quantum Computing):

·       Probabilistic Computing

·       Quantum Computing

·       States and Dirac Notation


Unit 12 (Computing with Qubits):

·       Measurements and Unitaries

·       Quantum Circuits

·       Quantum Zeno Effect


Unit 13 (Entanglement):

·       Operating on General States

·       Product States and Entangled States


Unit 14 (Quantum Complexity Theory):

·       Quantum Oracles

·       Deutsch-Josza Problem


Unit 15 (Quantum Algorithms I):

·       Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm

·       Simon’s Algorithm


Unit 16 (Quantum Algorithms II):

·       Quantum Fourier Transform

·       Shor’s Algorithm


Unit 17 (Quantum Algorithms II):

·       Unstructured Search

·       Grover’s Algorithm


Unit 18 (Non-local Games):

·       The CHSH Game

·       Tsirelson’s Theorem


Unit 19 (No-Cloning):

·       The No-Cloning Theorem

·       Quantum Mone

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)


At the end of the course student will be able to...

The most important skill that the students are expected to pick up during this course is the ability to recognize and interpret computational intractability in case it is encountered. The course aims to develop a solid conceptual understanding of notions related to computation:

·       The concept of universal models of computation (such as Turing machines), that capture our intuitive notion of computation and allow us to reason about the capabilities of computers in a technology-independent manner.

·       The existence of intrinsic limits to computation. Computational problems that cannot be solved by any algorithm whatsoever (undecidability), and problems that are solvable but require unreasonable computational resources (computational complexity).

·       The notion of nondeterminism and in particular the conceptual difference between finding a solution and verifying that a given solution is correct.

·       The representation of computational problems, and the distinction/relationships between decision and search problems.

·       The notion of a reduction between computational problems and its implications on the relative complexity of the problems.

·       How to use the laws of quantum mechanics for computation, and the difference with respect to classical probabilistic computing.

·       How to rigorously analyze quantum algorithms


At the end of the course student will be able to...
  • Recognize problems that are NP-complete, and be able to devise simple NP-completeness proofs
  • Recognize problems that are  undecidable, and be able to devise simple undecidability proofs
  • Apply the idea of a reduction among computational problems
  • Recognize computational hardness/easiness, be it classical or quantum

Teaching methods

  • Lectures
  • Guest speaker's talks (in class or in distance)


Biweekly homework assignments (4-5 questions each) will give you feedback on how you are doing and will help you internalize the material studied.

Assessment methods

  Continuous assessment Partial exams General exam
  • Written individual exam (traditional/online)
  x x
  • Individual Works/ Assignment (report, exercise, presentation, project work etc.)


Assessment will be the same for attending and non-attending students. The final exam is written (90% of the grade) and consists of open-ended questions, some of which will test the student's understanding of the concepts developed during the course and some of which will test the student's ability to apply such concepts to new contexts, for example to prove the NP-completeness of a new problem, to prove the undecidability of a new problem, or to prove/assess a quantum algorithm. It will also test knowledge of complexity and computability classes and the relations between them, and the definition of languages and their interrelations.

Teaching materials


There is no required textbook. Recommended textbooks will be communicated to the students at the start of classes. Lecture slides and notes will be provided for selected topics.

Last change 18/11/2024 09:34