Insegnamento a.a. 2016-2017



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLEAM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - CLEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - BESS-CLES (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - WBB (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - BIEF (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - BIEM (6 credits - II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

Creativity is one of the critical components of an organization’s ability to survive and thrive in today’s competitive and dynamic markets. This course provides students a richer understanding of how creativity can be (1) facilitated and (2) managed in a work setting.
Students learn about the basic features of the creativity and creative processes, both short term and over longer time periods, understand and come to appreciate a number of different psychological and socio psychological approaches to creativity, and learn about some of the important issues involved in managing creativity effectively including other important areas of organizational behavior research (e.g., leadership, teamwork).
Students study creativity in many domains, including business, science and technology, the arts, and life in general, relying on a mixture of lectures, readings, and discussion. To do so, they engage in a variety of class exercises (e.g., experiments) in which they explore their own creativity and team exercises in which they engage in creative activity with others.
They also learn through articles, about creativity in business and how organizations foster creativity and manage creative processes.
Creativity is fascinating and incredibly important for society, and hopefully students gain a greater and greater appreciation for this in the course of our work and later as they reflect back upon their work and continue to learn about creativity, on the job and in your life.
Learning outcomes:
  • Explain the influence of problem solving techniques, team processes, and environmental conditions on creativity in organizations.
  • Explain the process involved in managing creativity effectively and apply this knowledge to your own creative or innovative idea.
  • Analyze organizational practices that facilitate creativity.
  • Develop case study analysis skills regarding creativity (specifically, identifying critical issues in case studies and applying course material to case studies).

Course Content Summary

Students acquire knowledge regarding various theoretical conceptualizations (i.e., how do you define creativity), antecedents (i.e., what makes you more creative) and outcomes (i.e., what is the impact) of creativity as well as important practical implications in fostering and
managing creativity in work place.
How do creative ideas happen? How can we foster our creativity and the creativity of those
around us? What are the paths of creative development of individuals who are successful in
their creative endeavors? What are the obstacles to creativity? What is the nature of creativity in teams and organizations? These are some of the questions we address. The list below summarizes major topics are covered in this course.
  • What is creativity (i.e., definition, conceptualization)?
  • The (underlying) processes of creativity.
  • The myths of creativity.
  • What is the role of creativity in organizations?
  • Individual-specific factors that underlie or affect creativity.
  • The role of personality traits (e.g., openness to experience).
  • Context-specific factors that underlie or affect creativity (i.e., making and keeping creative individuals creating).
  • The role of working environment (e.g., organizational climate).
  • Leadership and creativity.
  • The role of other social and cultural factors (e.g., diversity, power distance).
  • Outcomes of creativity.
  • Creative idea generation.
  • Design thinking
  • Teams and creativity.
  • Factors affecting creativity in teams (e.g., groupthink, conflicts, diversity).

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students:
1. Individual Assessment: 70% of total, consisting of:
  • Final exam 50%
  • Class participation 20%
2. Group Assessment: 30% of total, consisting of:
Team project 30%

For non attending students:

  • Final written exam. The exam will be based on the chapters of the two textbooks. The exam will include only multiple-choice questions.


For attending and non attending students:
  • M.D. MUMFORD, Handbook of Organizational Creativity, 2011.
  • J. ZHOU, C.E. SHALLEY, Handbook of Organizational Creativity, 2007.
  • Articles and Exercises from Journals, Magazines and other sources (compulsory readings).
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 25/05/2016 16:20