Insegnamento a.a. 2017-2018



Dipartimento di Marketing / Department of Marketing

Per la lingua del corso verificare le informazioni sulle classi/
For the instruction language of the course see class group/s below
Vai alle classi/Go to class group/s: 24 - 31 - 32 - 33
CLEAM (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEF (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEACC (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BESS-CLES (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEF (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEM (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIG (6 cfu - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08)
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento/Course Director:

Classi: 31 (I sem.)
Docenti responsabili delle classi:

Classe/i impartita/e in lingua italiana

Obiettivi formativi del corso

Il successo di un'azienda è determinato dalle percezioni che hanno di essa e dei suoi prodotti, i consumatori e gli altri stakeholder. Queste percezioni sono determinate da un’ampia varietà di messaggi di marca. L’advertising e altre attività di comunicazione sono una delle fonti di tali messaggi, sebbene vi siano altre e variegate modalità di messaggi di marca che in alcuni casi ottengono ancora maggiore influenza dei mezzi di comunicazione classici e sono in grado di influenzare attivamente il comportamento e le percezioni dei consumatori attuali e prospettici.

Questo corso si focalizza sui principali e più importanti strumenti di comunicazione utilizzati per costruire e rafforzare le relazioni di marca. Lo studio della comunicazione di marketing implica l’apprendimento delle teorie di comunicazione e l’applicazione delle stesse ad esempi e casi reali. Inoltre, capire la comunicazione di marketing (rispetto alla sola pubblicità) aiuta a capire in che modo progettare una strategia articolata per raggiungere obiettivi precisi e misurabili. Capire la comunicazione aiuta a trasformare uno studente in un consumatore migliore e più consapevole, oltre a migliorarne la capacità comunicativa per affrontare in maniera più preparata il mondo del lavoro.

Programma sintetico del corso

  • Comunicazione integrata di marketing.
  • Obiettivi.
  • Branding.
  • Advertising.
  • Sponsorizzazioni e Pubbliche relazioni.
  • Comunicazione sul punto vendita.
  • Promozioni e Packaging.
  • Media Planning.
  • Ricerche.
  • Naming.

Descrizione dettagliata delle modalità d'esame

Per i frequentanti
Esame a risposta multipla e brevi domande aperte solo sui capitoli indicati.
Materiale di studio, oltre al testo, sono anche le slides pubblicate su e-learning e le testimonianze dei guest speaker in aula (sia le loro slides sia quanto in aula trattano e discutono).

Per i non frequentanti
Domande a risposta multipla e brevi domande aperte su tutto il testo (non sono comprese le testimonianze e le slides).

Testi d'esame

Per i frequentanti
  • P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing communications: a European perspective, Prentice Hall; 6th Edition 2016 (only chapters that are specified in the detailed syllabus) or 5th Edition 2013.
  • Bocconi Library course reserve: Chap. 14 in P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, Prentice Hall; 4th Edition 2010
  • In class exercises (see detailed description of assessment methods).
Per i non frequentanti
  • P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing communications: a European perspective, Prentice Hall, 2016, 6th Edition, or 2013, 5th Edition 2013, ALL CHAPTERS.
Testi d'esame & Articoli on line (verifica disponibilità in Biblioteca) / Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Modificato il 11/05/2017 14:21
WBB (6 cfu - I sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/08)
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento/Course Director:

Classes: 24 (I sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Course Objectives

A company’s success and value are determined by the perceptions of customers and other stakeholders. These perceptions are determined by a wide range of brand messages. Advertising and other marketing communication functions are one source of brand messages, however, there are many other types of brand messages that often have even greater influence on customers’ and other stakeholders’ behavior. This course focuses on the major and most important kinds of communication tools used to create and build brands and brand relationships.
Studying marketing communication involves learning communication theory and applying it to real life situations. Moreover marketing communications (versus just studying advertising) helps to learn strategic planning by setting goals, planning programs to meet those goals and choosing between different tool allocations to conduct those programs.
Understanding communication helps to make students better consumers by understanding different communication techniques used by businesses and it can help students in their own life in their job search and in managing organizations.

Course Content Summary

  • Integrated marketing communications.
  • Objectives.
  • Branding.
  • Advertising.
  • Public Relations and Sponsorships.
  • Point of purchase communications.
  • Sales Promotions and Packaging.
  • Media Planning.
  • Advertising research.
  • Naming.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students
Attending students are given a final written exam (multiple choice plus short open end questions) based on lessons, examples, exercises and the book chapters that are specified in the detailed syllabus.
In class exercises, case studies and presentations are an essential part of the course and there are questions on these in the final written exam.

For non attending students

Written examination (multiple choice plus short open end questions) on all chapters of the book (the exam doesn't include cases/examples/exercises that have been presented in class).


For attending students
  • P. DE PELSMACKER; M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing communications: a European perpective, Pretience Hall, 2016, 6TH edition (ONLY CHAPTERS THAT ARE SPECIFIED IN THE DETAILED SYLLABUS) or 2013, 5th edition.
  • Bocconi Library course reserve: Chap. 14 in P. DE PELSMACKER; M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing communications: a European perpective, Pretience Hall, 2010, 4th edition.
  • In class exercises (see detailed description of assessment methods).
For non attending students
  • P. DE PELSMACKER; M. GEUENS; J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications: a European perspective, Pretience Hall, 2016, 6th edition 2016 or 2013, 5th edition (all chapters).
Testi d'esame & Articoli on line (verifica disponibilità in Biblioteca) / Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 11/05/2017 14:30
CLEAM (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEF (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - CLEACC (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BESS-CLES (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEF (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIEM (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08) - BIG (6 cfu - I/II sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/08)
Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento/Course Director:

Classes: 32 (I sem.) - 33 (II sem.)

Class group/s taught in English

Course Objectives

A company’s success and value are determined by the perceptions of customers and other stakeholders. These perceptions are determined by a wide range of brand messages. Advertising and other marketing communication functions are one source of brand messages, however, there are many other types of brand messages that often have even greater influence on customers’ and other stakeholders’ behavior. This course focuses on the major and most important kinds of communication tools used to create and build brands and brand relationships.
Studying marketing communication involves learning communication theory and applying it to real life situations. Moreover marketing communications (versus just studying advertising) helps to learn strategic planning by setting goals, planning programs to meet those goals and choosing between different tool allocations to conduct those programs.
Understanding communication helps to make students better consumers by understanding different communication techniques used by businesses and it can help students in their own life in their job search and in managing organizations.

Course Content Summary

  • Integrated marketing communications.
  • Objectives.
  • Branding.
  • Advertising.
  • Public Relations and Sponsorships.
  • Point of purchase communications.
  • Sales Promotions and Packaging.
  • Media Planning.
  • Advertising research.
  • Naming.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students
Attending students are given a final written exam (multiple choice plus short open end questions) based on lessons, examples, exercises and the book chapters that are specified in the detailed syllabus.
In class exercises, case studies and presentations are an essential part of the course and there are questions on these in the final written exam.

For non attending students
Written examination (multiple choice plus short open end questions) on all chapters of the book (the exam doesn't include cases/examples/exercises that have been presented in class).


For attending students
  • P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS, J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications: a European perspective, Prentice Hall, 2013, 5th edition (only those chapters that are specified in the detailed syllabus) or 2016, 6eh Edition.
  • Bocconi Library course reserve: Chap. 14 in P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS, J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, Prentice Hall; 4th edition 2010.
  • In class exercises (see detailed description of assessment methods).
Non Attending students:
  • P. DE PELSMACKER, M. GEUENS, J. VAN DEN BERGH, Marketing Communications: a European perspective, Prentice Hall, 2016, 6th edition or 2013, 5th edition (all chapters).
Testi d'esame & Articoli on line (verifica disponibilità in Biblioteca) / Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 11/05/2017 14:41