Insegnamento a.a. 2017-2018



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - OBS  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

The course has the following objectives
  • Show the industry scenario and the main strategic and operational processes of fashion and luxury companies, with a specific focus on the Italian Model.
  • Deepen main brand/business models archetypes in terms of different configuration of operational processes (brand, design/product, supply chain, sales/retail, marketing/communication).
  • Debate emerging growth strategies within the industry with a specific focus on the winning model of Italian companies (vertical integration and cooperation within the industry, corporate social and environmental responsibility, un-conventional marketing & communication strategies on off and on line channels).
The course is based on a balanced mix of lectures, case discussions, guest speakers. At the end of the course a group field project is held, which contributes to the global final evaluation, together with a written individual exam.

Course Content Summary

  • Phenomenology of fashion. The fashion cycle and process. The seasonal nature of the fashion business.
  • The different brand archetypes: designer brands, industrial brands, retail brands.
  • Structure and logic of the Fashion Pipeline. The italian industrial districts. Exhibitions and catwalks.
  • The competitiveness of international fashion pipelines: Italy, France, USA, Asia.
  • The creative process of products and collections development.
  • The Italian manufacturing process between craftsmanship and serial production.
  • Commercial and Distribution strategies (Wholesale and Retail Channels).
  • Marketing & Communication strategies on off line and on line channels.
  • Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in Fashion Companies.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students
A written exam is helded, based on the reading of text books and teaching material (50% of the global evaluation). The remaining 50% of the global grade is based on the evaluation of the group field project.

For not attending students
A written exam is held, based on the reading of text books. Each student has to deliver a short written presentation (10-15 slides) on a topic and one or more cases to be choosen within the program.


    • E. CORBELLINI, S. SAVIOLO, Managing Fashion and Luxury Companies, ETAS, 2009.
    • F. RINALDI, S. TESTA, The Responsible Fashion Company. Integrating ethics and aesthetics in the value chain, Greenleaf Publishing, 2015.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 12/06/2017 14:56