Insegnamento a.a. 2015-2016



Department of Social and Political Sciences

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 24 - 31
CLEF (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/07) - BIEMF (6 credits - I sem. - OP) - WBB (6 credits - I sem. - OB)
Course Director:

Classes: 24 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to basic principles and recent developments in the field of public management. The public sector is a crucial component of the business environment, as an economic actor, in terms of impacts on the private sector and in terms of impacts on society at large. Thereby, this course examines both empirical developments and new theories of public management with an international perspective. Through active participation in this course students should gain the theoretical foundations and the managerial skills needed to understand public sector organizations. The course ultimately enables students to deal effectively with public organizations as individual citizens, as entrepreneurs, as private sector managers, as public sector consultants/suppliers or as public sector managers.

Course Content Summary

  • Public administration and globalization: emerging themes. Public Management and Governance. 
  • Public and private management: What’s the difference?
  • Business-Government relationships.
  • The role and features of International Organizations and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs).
  • Policy cycles and decision making in public sector ( e.g. healtcare,education).
  • Planning & Control in the public sector.
  • Human Resource Management for government: peculiarities of public sector personnel.
  • Strategic Public Management.
  • Public Management in developing countries.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For Attending students:
  • The final grade reflects the overall performance during the semester and is based on the group works that account for 40% of the total grade and the final exam. More specifically, the final grade is composed of the following elements:
  • Consulting group work (20%)
  • Performance management group work (20%)
  • Final written exam (60%)
  • The final grade is the weighted average of the three evaluations. Note that for the first assignment you will actually work as consultant for a public or not for profit organizations and present your work to the client.
For Non attending students:
  • Written exam on the entire text book.


For Attending students:

  • There is no text book for attending students. All the reading materials will be made availables. For detailed instructions refer to the syllabus. 

For Non attending students:

  • O.E. HUGHES, Public Management and Administration, Palgrave, 2012, 4th Edition (370 pages, complete book).
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 13/07/2015 15:34
BIEMF (6 credits - I sem. - OP)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to basic principles and recent developments in the field of public management. The public sector is a crucial component of the business environment, as an economic actor, in terms of impacts on the private sector and in terms of impacts on society at large. Thereby, this course examines both empirical developments and new theories of public management with an international perspective. Through active participation in this course students should gain the theoretical foundation and the managerial skills needed to understand public sector organizations. The course ultimately enables students to deal consciously with public administrations as individual citizens, as entrepreneurs, as private sector managers, as public sector consultants/suppliers or as public sector managers.

Course Content Summary

  • Public administration and globalization: emerging themes. Public Management and Governance. Public Management reforms and New Public Management.
  • Public and private management: What’s the difference?
  • Business-Government relationships.
  • The role and features of International Organizations.
  • Policy cycles and decision making in public sector.
  • Planning & Control in the public sector.
  • Human Resource Management for government: peculiarities of public sector personnel.
  • Strategic Public Management.
  • Public Management in developing countries.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Attending students
The final grade reflects the overall performance during the semester and is based on the group works that account for 40% of the total grade and the final exam. More specifically, the final grade is composed of the following elements:
  • Consulting group work (20%)
  • Performance management group work (20%) 
  • Final written exam (60%)
The final grade is the weighted average of the three evaluations. Note that for the first assignment you will actually work as consultant for a public or not for profit organizations and present your work to the client.

Non attending students

Written exam on the entire text book.


Attending students
There is no text book for attending students. All the reading materials will be made available. For detailed instructions refer to the syllabus.

Non attending students

  • O.E. HUGHES, Public Management and Administration, Palgrave, 2012, 4th Edition (370 pages, complete book)
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)


Last change 27/03/2015 12:44