Insegnamento a.a. 2017-2018



Department of Marketing

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLEACC (6 credits - II sem. - OBS  |  SECS-P/08)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

The course has two goals. First, students will develop a deep understanding of consumer behavior. We will cover the typical consumer decision process, as well as specialized topics such as conceptual, experiential, cultural, and luxury consumption. Students will be exposed to state-of-the-art academic research on topics such as consumer memory, communication, persuasion, and happiness. Second, students will learn to apply the study of consumer behavior to cultural and creative industry contexts. We will discuss how extant theory can be used in order to predict and influence how people behave as consumers of cultural and creative products. We will further discuss the research methods that managers can use in order to attain key consumer insights in such industries.

Course Content Summary

  • Consumer Memory and Learning.
  • Consumer perception
  • Consumer Motivation and Goals.
  • Consumer attitudes.
  • Influencing Consumers: Communication and Context.
  • Influencing Consumers: Personal Characteristics and Culture.
  • Influencing Consumers: Social Influence.
  • Consumer Decision-Making: Preference Reversals.
  • Consumer Decision-Making: Nudging.
  • Phycology of Numbers and Price.
  • Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Happiness.
  • Conceptual, Experiential, and Cultural Consumption.
  • Consumer & environment.
  • Luxury marketing.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students
This class offers you the opportunity to apply what you have learned and demonstrate mastery of the consumer behavior study.
  • Final Exam (50% of the final grade). There is 1 final exam. It is out of 30 points. Questions are based on course materials (papers and slides).
  • There are 6 short group assignments in total, 5 of which are mandatory. Students can make their own group (maximum 2 people per group). In each assignment, students can implement one of the concepts discussed in the readings to a cultural/creative brand, product, or service of their preference. Students are asked to present their idea for 5-10 minutes (there is no written assignment). The grade across the best (highest-rated) 5 group assignments is averaged and counts for 50% of the final grade.

For non­ attending students
  • Final Exam 100%.


There is no textbook assigned for this course. Instead, students have to read the class slides and scientific articles indicated by the instructor at the beginning of the course.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 12/06/2017 14:35