Summary of selected publications

  1. “Homophily and influence,” (joint with Arnold Polanski), Journal of Economic Theory 227, 2023 (joint with Arnold Polanski).
  2. "Trade openness and growth: a network-based approach," Journal of Applied Econometrics 37, 2022 (joint with Georg Duernecker and Moritz Meyer).
  3. "Pooling or fooling? An experiment on signaling," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 176, 2020 (joint with Francesco Feri, Miguel A. Meléndez-Jiménez, and Giovanni Ponti).  
  4. "Coalition bargaining in repeated games," International Economic Review 60, 2019 joint with Arnold Polanski).
  5. "Social networks and the process of globalization" The Review of Economic Studies 85, 2018 (joint with Georg Duernecker).
  6. “Contagious disruptions and complexity traps in economic development,” Nature Human Behavior 1, 2017 (joint with Charles Brummitt, Kenan Huremovic, Paolo Pin, and Matthew Bonds).
  7. “Risk-sharing and contagion in networks,” The Review of Financial Studies 30, 2017 (joint with Antonio Cabrales and Piero Gottardi).
  8. “A simple model of homophily in social networks," European Economic Review 90, 2016, (joint with Sergio Currarini and Jesse Matheson).  
  9. "Social Cohesion and the evolution of altruism," Games and Economic Behavior 92, 2015 (joint with José Antonio García).
  10. "Threshold learning dynamics in social networks," PLoS ONE 6, 2011 (joint with Juan Carlos González, Víctor Eguiluz, Matteo Marsili, and Maxi San Miguel.
  11. "The Option to Leave: Conditional Dissociation in the Evolution of Cooperation," Journal of Theoretical Biology 267, 2010 (joint with Segismundo S. Izquierdo  and Luis R. Izquierdo).
  12. "Network games," Review of Economic Studies 77, 2010 (joint with Andrea Galeotti, Sanjeev Goyal, Matthew Jackson, and Leeat Yariv).
  13. "Economic networks," Science 325, 2009 (joint with Frank Schweitzer, Giorgio Fagiolo, Didier Sornette, Alessandro Vespignani, and Douglas R. White).
  14. "Structural holes in social networks," Journal of Economic Theory 137, 2007 (joint with Sanjeev Goyal).
  15. "Clustering, Cooperation, and Search in Social Networks," Journal of the European Economic Association 3, 2005 (joint with Matteo Marsili and Frantisek Slanina).  
  16. "The rise and fall of a networked society: a formal model," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 101, 2004 (joint with Matteo Marsili and Frantisek Slanina).
  17. "Asynchronous choice and Markov equilibria," Journal of Economic Theory 103, 2002 (joint with V. Bhaskar).
  18. "Optimal network topologies for local search with congestion," Physical Review Letters  89, 2002 (joint with R. Guimerà, A. Díaz-Guilera, A. Cabrales, and A. Arenas).
  19. "On the evolution of individualistic preferences: complete versus incomplete information scenarios," Journal of Economic Theory 97, 2001 (joint with Efe Ok).
  20. "Unfolding social hierarchies," Journal of Economic Theory 90, 2000.
  21. "Evolving aspirations and cooperation," Journal of Economic Theory 80, 1998 (joint with R. Karandikar, D. Mookherjee, and D. Ray).
  22. "The evolution of Walrasian Behavior," Econometrica 65, 1997.
  23. "Long-run efficiency in evolutionary games with random matching," Journal of Economic Theory 70, 1996 (joint with Arthur Robson).
  24. "Pollination and reward: a game-theoretic approach," Games and Economic Behavior 12, 1996.
  25. "A theoretical model of predator-prey signalling," Journal of Theoretical Biology 160, 1993 (joint with Oren Hasson, junior author).
  26. Competition and culture in the evolution in economic behavior," Games and Economic Behavior 5, 1993.
  27. "Extrapolative expectations and market stability," International Economic Review  30, 1989.
  28. "Efficiency and nonlinear pricing in nonconvex environments with externalities," Journal of Economic Theory 40, 1987.


Modificato il 28/05/2023