Insegnamento a.a. 2017-2018



Department of Law

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 14
GIO (6 credits - I sem. - OB  |  IUS/14)
Course Director:

Classes: 14 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

National Institutions part.
  • The aim of the course is to analyze the principles related to public decisions making process; the course is focused on principles and norms regulating organization of public entities and administrative procedures and acts.
International Institutions part.
  • The course aims at illustrating the basic principles of international public law in the light of a further analysis of the main international intergovernmental organizations. The course is focused on the organization and competences of the United Nations and some intergovernmental economic institutions.

Intended Learning Outcomes
Click here to see the ILOs of the course

Course Content Summary

National Institutions Section.
  • Notions of public entities.
  • Constitutional principles of public administration. 
  • Principles of administrative organization. 
  • The rules related to administrative proceedings as provided for by law 241/1990 and its further changes.
  • The administrative decision.  
International Institutions Section
  • The sources of International Law. 
  • Subjects of International Law. Focus on States and Intergovernmental Public Organizations. 
  • Fundamental Principles of International Public Law.
Implementation of International Rules within Municipal Legal Systems.

Teaching methods
Click here to see the teaching methods

Assessment methods
Click here to see the assessment methods

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

The final exam is written.
Two written partial exams are provided: the first one on the national part and the second on the international part of the course. In order to pass the final exam the student has to pass both the partial exams. The grade cannot be refused after the consignment of the second written partial exam or after the consignment of the final exam.
Also debt students (20183) are allowed to register for the partial exams that is held in English language.


  • F. FRACCHIA (edited by), Textbook of public law, Napoli, Ed. Scientifica, 2014.
  • I. HURD, International Organizations, Cambridge, 2014, 2nd edition.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 25/05/2017 12:49