All Working Papers

Caution and Reference Effects, with David Dillenberger and Pietro Ortoleva.


Making Decisions under Model Misspecification, with Lars Peter Hansen, Fabio Maccheroni, and Massimo Marinacci.


Dynamic Opinion Aggregation: Long-Run Stability and Disagreement, with Roberto Corrao and Giacomo Lanzani.


Equilibria of Nonatomic Anonymous Games, with Fabio Maccheroni and David Schmeidler.


Abstract Integration of Set-Valued Functions, with Efe Ok.


The Rational Core of Preference Relations, with Efe Ok.


Law of Demand and Stochastic Choice, with Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, and Aldo Rustichini.


Multinomial Logit Processes and Preference Discovery: Inside and Outside the Black Box, with Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci, and Aldo Rustichini.


Maxmin Expected Utility on a Subjective State Space: Convex Preferences under Risk

Modificato il 01/06/2024