
Mergers and Innovation Sharing (2021)

POLO MICHELE (con V. Denicolo')
Economics Letters, 202

Modificato il 24/09/2021

Market Power, Competition and Innovation in Digital Markets: a Survey (2020)

POLO MICHELE (with E.Calvano)
Information Economics and Policy

Modificato il 24/09/2021

Old and New Media: the Interaction of Merger Control and Plurality Regulation (in corso di pubblicazione)

POLO MICHELE (with A. Pisarkiewicz)
P. Parcu (ed.), Handbook on EU Media Law and Policy, Edward Elgar, forthcoming

Modificato il 24/09/2021

Blowing in the Wind: the Infiltration of Sicilian Mafia in the Wind Power Business (2020)

POLO MICHELE (con V. Checchi)
Italian Economic Journal

Modificato il 24/09/2021

Convergence of European natural gas prices (31/05/2019)

Energy Economics, Elsevier

Modificato il 18/06/2019

The Innovation Theory of Harm: an Appraisal (in corso di pubblicazione)

Antitrust Legal Law

Modificato il 11/04/2019

Entry games and free entry equilibria (2018)

in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization (L. Corchon and M. Marini eds.), Edward Elgar

Modificato il 01/03/2019

Strategic Differentiation by Business Models: Free-to-Air and Pay-TV (in corso di pubblicazione)

POLO MICHELE (with Emilio Calvano)
Economic Journal 2019

Modificato il 01/03/2019

Consumer's search in the era of big data (05/2017)

Competition Policy International, Antitrust Chronicle

Modificato il 01/03/2019

Duplicative research, mergers and innovation (23/02/2018)

POLO MICHELE (with Vincenzo Denicolò)
Economics Letters - ELSEVIER

Modificato il 28/02/2018

The Development of Gas Hubs in Europe (19/05/2015)

POLO MICHELE (with Caterina Miriello)
Energy Policy

Modificato il 17/09/2015

Public Policies in Investment Intensive Industries, Chap. 13 (in 'The Analysis of Competition Policy and Sectoral Regulation') (03/10/2014)

POLO MICHELE (with Giovanni Immordino)
Peitz & Spiegel editors, World Scientific-Now Publishers Series in Business: Vol. 4, 2014

Modificato il 03/10/2014

Antitrust, legal standards and investment (28/08/2014)

POLO MICHELE (Joint with Giovanni Immordino)
International Review of Law and Economics - ELSEVIER

Modificato il 03/10/2014

Liberalizing the gas industry: Take-or-pay contracts, retail competition and wholesale trade (13/12/2012)

International Journal of Industrial Organization

Modificato il 09/01/2013

L'intervento antitrust in materia di pratiche escludenti: lezioni dal dibattito recente (2010)

in 20 anni di Antitrust (a cura di C.Rabitti Bedogni e P.Barucci), Torino, Giappichelli

Modificato il 10/01/2011

Damages for Exclusionary Practices: a Primer (2010)

POLO MICHELE (joint with C.Fumagalli e J.Padilla)
in I.Kokkonis e F.Etro (eds.) Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 82, Oxford UP

Modificato il 10/01/2011

Incentives to Innovate and Social Harm: Laissez-faire, Authorization or Penalties (02/02/2011)

POLO MICHELE (joint with Marco Pagano and Giovanni Immordino)
Journal of Public Economics 95 (2011) 864-876

When firms' research can lead to potentially harmful innovations, public intervention may thwart their incentives to undertake research by reducing its expected profitability (average deterrence) and may guide the use of innovation (marginal deterrence). We compare four policy regimes: laissez faire, ex-post penalties and two forms of authorization -- lenient and strict. If fines are unbounded, laissez faire is optimal if the social harm from innovation is sufficiently unlikely; otherwise, regulation should impose increasing penalties as innovation becomes more dangerous. If fines are bounded by limited liability, for intermediate levels of expected social harm it is optimal to adopt (indifferently) penalties or lenient authorization, while strict authorization becomes optimal if social harm is sufficiently likely.

Modificato il 03/10/2014

Competitive v. Anticompetitive Explanations of Unilateral Practices: the Identification Problem (20/11/2009)

Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2010, 1:1.20.

Modificato il 04/03/2010

Regulation for Pluralism in the Media Markets (2007)

in: P.Seabright J. von Hagen (eds.), The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets, Cambridge U.P.

Modificato il 04/03/2010

Buyer Power and Quality Improvements (2007)

POLO MICHELE (with P.Battigalli and C.Fumagalli)
Research in Economics, 61: 45-61

Modificato il 04/03/2010

Price Squeeze: Lessons from the Telecom Italia Case (2007)

Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 3: 453 - 470

Modificato il 04/03/2010

Entry, Product Line Expansion and Predation (2007)

POLO MICHELE (with V.Denicolò and P.Zanchettin)
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 3: 609 - 624

Modificato il 04/03/2010

Leniency Programs and Cartel Prosecution (13/02/2001)

POLO MICHELE (with M.Motta)
International Journal of Industrial Organization.

Modificato il 05/12/2008

Are Judges Biased by Labor Market Conditions? (25/06/2002)

POLO MICHELE (with A.Ichino e E.Rettore)
European Economic Review

Modificato il 05/12/2008

Beyond the Spectrum Constraint: Concentration and Entry in the Broadcasting Industry (2001)

POLO MICHELE (with M.Motta)
Rivista di Politica Economica



Modificato il 05/12/2008

Merger Remedies in the EU: an Overview (17/02/2002)

POLO MICHELE (with M.Motta e H.Vasconcelos)
The Antitrust Bulletin

Modificato il 05/12/2008

Modificato il 25/11/2024