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Lecture notes and slides

Questa cartella contiene:

  • la versione aggiornata del libro di testo (ancora incompleto) GAME THEORY: ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIC THINKING
  • alcune note didattiche
  • le "slides" delle lezioni più recenti del mio corso "Game Theory: Analysis of Strategic Thinking"
  • le "slides" della parte insegnata da me del corso "Experimental Economic and Psychology", a.a. 2020-21
Game Theory: Analysis of Strategic Thinking (1.933 Kb)
Mathematical Language and Game Theory (215 Kb)
Note on learning and SCE in stochastic control problems (225 Kb)
Notes on Expected Utility and Uncertainty Aversion (449 Kb)
Slides Lecture 1 Fall 2023 (252 Kb)
Slides Lecture 2 Fall 2023 (178 Kb)
Slides Lecture 3 Fall 2023 (250 Kb)
Slides Lecture 4 Fall 2023 (358 Kb)
Slides Lecture 5 Fall 2023 (215 Kb)
Slides Lecture 6 Fall 2023 (224 Kb)
Slides Lecture 7 Fall 2023 (275 Kb)
Slides Lecture 8 Fall 2023 (205 Kb)
Slides Lecture 9 Fall 2023 (239 Kb)
Slides Lecture 10 Fall 2023 (515 Kb)
Slides Lecture 11 Fall 2023 (283 Kb)
Slides Lecture 12 Fall 2023 (232 Kb)
Slides Lecture 13 Fall 2023 (393 Kb)
Slides Lecture 14 Fall 2023 (329 Kb)
Slides Lecture 15 Fall 2023 (293 Kb)
Slides Lecture 16 Fall 2023 (255 Kb)
Slides Lecture 17 Fall 2023 (271 Kb)
Slides Lecture 18 Fall 2023 (385 Kb)
Slides Lecture 19 Fall 2023 (339 Kb)
Slides Lecture 20 Fall 2023 (202 Kb)
Slides Lecture 21 Fall 2023 (393 Kb)
Slides Lecture 22 Fall 2023 (324 Kb)
Slides Lecture 23 Fall 2023 (341 Kb)
Slides Lecture 24 Fall 2023 (329 Kb)
Slides L9 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Intro GT (201 Kb)
Slides L10 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Intro GT Sequential Games (247 Kb)
Slides L11 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Incomplete Info. (236 Kb)
Slides L12 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Intro Psy Game Theory (216 Kb)
Slides L13 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Guilt Aversion-Theory (245 Kb)
Slides L14 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Guilt Aversion-Experiments (405 Kb)
Slides L15 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Frustration & Anger-Theory (291 Kb)
Slides L16 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Frustration & Anger-Experiments (871 Kb)
Slides L17 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Reciprocity-Theory (203 Kb)
Slides L18 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Reciprocity-Experiments (190 Kb)
Slides L19 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Deception-Theory (183 Kb)
Slides L20 Exp. Econ. & Psy.- Deception-Experiment (599 Kb)
Ultimo aggiornamento 06/09/2023